Amazing Grace/How Great Thou Art- Amira Willighagen, Prayer 4 Preacher Shot, Open the Clouds/Rapture

1 year ago

This is an update on Hans Schmidt who was shot in the head while street preaching in Arizona, and his Dad says the bullet went through his left temple, through his brain and is still in the right side of his head. Please continue to pray. Here's the church website where you can donate towards medical expenses-

Bible study of Psalm 1 and Lamentations 3:22-26

@Amira-online Amazing Grace-
@Amira-online How Great Thou Art-

@unspokenmusic Open the Clouds-

@MarvinSingCook I Woke Up This Morning-

Heaven is a Wonderful Place original song- @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
Lyrics: I wanna go to heaven , gonna see my Lord, oh He's comin so soon,
I can't wait to get out of this place, this world is not my home.
Heaven is a wonderful place, ain't no sinners there by God's good grace.
Heaven, saints and angels there, raptured up for seven years, oh glorious day.

Our Father will send Him, Son, "Go get your bride." Those who've been born again,
We long to see Your appearing and we keep looking up, hearts devoted to You, Jesus.
Heaven is a wonderful place, ain't no sinners there by God's good grace.
Heaven, thank you Father our God, after Tribulation, Jesus comes back to earth.

Jesus will rule and reign, for a thousand years,
from Jerusalem, we will be with Him,
don't we want to see Him on His throne, the King of kings and Lord of lords?

I'm going to heaven gonna see my Lord, shining brighter than the sun,
In a moment in a twinkling we'll be glorified,
Flying up to heaven as victorious ones,
Jesus said He's coming, Jesus said He's coming, and we want to be ready...

He's coming so soon better know His truth, He will not tarry,
Be holy and blameless and a spotless bride, cause He said so in His Word,
Heaven is a wonderful place, ain't no sinners there by God's good grace,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Oh I wanna go home.

I'm ready to see You and be done down here, all my dreams will come true,
to sing in front of Jesus face to face and no more tears like in this place.

Warning Who's The Antichrist playlist-

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