Dwight Schultz - The Power of Podcasts, Remembering Breitbart and the Importance of Speaking Out

1 year ago

Dwight Schultz is our podcaster in residence and we are five episodes in to his zany common sense commentary on this increasingly mad world.
It has been many years since Dwight has done a video interview so this is a special treat, he discusses all things podcast and how this new media medium is having such an impact.
He shares some stories from his friendship with Andrew Breitbart and how he was instrumental in Dwight being so vocal as a Conservative.
We finish off with a call for every lover of freedom to use their voice to calmly speak truth.
We each have a responsibility to help open the eyes of those around us and we will see real change when we seize those opportunities.

A respected performer on Broadway, Dwight Schultz found everlasting fame by playing the certifiable "Howling Mad" Murdock on the action series "The A-Team" (1983-86).
A living, breathing cartoon with a seemingly endless selection of voices and accents at his command, Murdock provided the air power for the A-Team's clandestine adventures, provided that his compatriots could break him out of the mental hospital where he resided.
One of the show's most popular and memorable figures, Murdock ensured Schultz steady work on television and on the big screen playing Reginald Barclay in "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
An accomplished voice actor, Dwight can be heard in numerous hit computer games and in countless animated shows.

Its Alright to be Dwight on Hearts of Oak Podcast https://heartsofoak.podbean.com/

Interview recorded 21.11.23

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