Sexual education for children and manipulation

1 year ago

sexual education for children and encouraging same sex relationships

this is my personal experience in Germany plus very important information about the Standards for
Sexuality Education in Europe

I was invited to a parents meetings in the kindergarten the title was sexual education I was like OMG we are talking about children below 6 years old

they started with important things like consent and protection however
the books they have full of photos were shocking
pornographic and showing examples of families 2 men and 2 women in addition to full explanation of the sexual intercourse

keep in mind it was not written between man and a woman it was written a person with a penis and a person with a vagina due to this shitty trend Gender identity

I discovered that it's normal that children go to the bathroom together or be naked in front of each other, see each other private parts.

then I found out they have a room just for children were they can touch each other private parts - opposite sex or same sex - if they are curious which is called the doctor game = Doktor Spiel

it drove me crazy and I wrote them an email later asking not to include my child in any of that and no Doktor Spiel no sexual education from their side.

I started searching and found out that this is directed from the United nations specifically from World health organization - for Europe and it's a 68 pages document - see photo

reading the document there has been some shocking words about same sex relationships and guess what pregnancy between same sex - no idea how!!!

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