Earth's Evolution in 10 Minutes

10 months ago

Origin of Earth : How the Earth formed from a cloud of dust and gas about 4.6 billion years ago.
Hadean Eon : The earliest period of Earth’s history, characterized by intense volcanic activity, frequent meteorite impacts, and a molten surface.
Archean Eon : The period when the Earth’s crust stabilized, the oceans formed, and the first life emerged.
Proterozoic Eon : The period when the Earth’s atmosphere became oxygen-rich, the continents grew, and multicellular life evolved.
Phanerozoic Eon : The current and longest period of Earth’s history, marked by the appearance of abundant fossils and complex life forms.
Paleozoic Era : The first era of the Phanerozoic Eon, when life diversified into plants, animals, and fungi, and the first land animals emerged.
Mesozoic Era : The second era of the Phanerozoic Eon, when reptiles dominated the land, sea, and air, and the first mammals, birds, and flowering plants appeared.
Cenozoic Era : The third and current era of the Phanerozoic Eon, when mammals became the dominant animals, and humans evolved.
Plate Tectonics : The theory that explains how the Earth’s surface is composed of moving plates that interact with each other, causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building.
Continental Drift : The movement of the Earth’s continents over time, driven by plate tectonics.
Pangaea : The name given to the supercontinent that existed about 250 million years ago, when all the continents were joined together.
Mass Extinctions : Events when a large percentage of the Earth’s species died out in a relatively short period of time, often due to global catastrophes.
Ice Ages : Periods when the Earth’s climate was colder than usual, and large ice sheets covered parts of the continents.
Glaciation : The process of ice formation and movement, which shapes the Earth’s surface and affects the climate.
Greenhouse Effect : The phenomenon that causes the Earth’s temperature to rise, due to the trapping of heat by certain gases in the atmosphere.
Climate Change : The alteration of the Earth’s climate over time, due to natural or human factors.
Biosphere : The part of the Earth that supports life, including the land, water, and air.
Biomes : The major types of ecosystems that are characterized by similar climate, vegetation, and wildlife.
Biodiversity : The variety of life on Earth, including the number and distribution of species, genes, and habitats.
Evolution : The process of change and adaptation of living organisms over time, driven by natural selection and genetic variation.

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