Silver Alert! Thing WILL Be Coming to a Head Soon! -- Cheap Solar Silver Will SAVE the World & Fairly Valued Silver Will END IT! (Bix Weir)

1 year ago

Everybody was wrong about the amount of damage that an artificially suppressed price of silver could cause. Next month 200 Countries will announce through the United Nations the need to TRIPLE Green Energy production and 5X SOLAR POWER INSTALLATIONS by 2030! This will HAVE to be done to SAVE THE WORLD! Problem it that there's not enough silver on the planet to do that! Here's what went wrong...the price of silver was suppressed for so long that alternatives to silver in solar panels was NOT necessary so not invented...BIG MISTAKE! Now the #1 CHOICE to End Climate Change is creating massive amounts of solar farms eating up every ounce of silver on the $24/oz! By the way...they have no alternatives! GOT PHYSICAL SILVER?!

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