Get 100% REAL buyer traffic to your offers on autopilot every single month.

1 year ago

In addition, keep in mind that as far as EPC's and conversions are concerned, I'm approving all of my customers to be affiliates no matter what, and when you do that you'll have some affiliates send junk traffic, so the conversions and EPC's aren't really accurate and would be much higher if I didn't approve all of my members.

Also, this is a recurring product (and the rebills do not factor into the EPC) so over time your commissions will continue to rack up month after month from the customers you send our way.

This is an evergreen product, so load it up in your autoresponder sequence and make recurring commissions for years to come.
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The great thing about this done for you funnel is that you can use it to not only promote The Click Engine, but also ANY other offer you're promoting.
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