Joe Rogan Speaking Against American Medical Costs, “$165,000 For 5Days

1 year ago

Joe Rogan (
) Speaking Against American Medical Costs, “$165,000, How Can You Spend $165,000 Just Laying In A Hospital Bed”

How is Big Pharma allowed to keep getting away with this extortion of Americans?

“I was. I didn't even know that most hospitals are privately owned. Like, I didn't know that there were for profit businesses that try to push medic medicine on people.”

“I didn't”

“know that. They're just here to help you. Yeah. Like, wouldn't that be the best thing? Like, if hospitals are just places where the doctors get paid well because they're really good at their job, but what they're trying to do is make you better.”

“No. Those hospitals are trying to make as much money as possible. They wanna keep you in as much as possible, prescribe as much medication as possible.”

“You know what? I'll give you an example of that. It's not really drug related, but I went to a hospital. I had pneumonia, and, uh, they, um, they accidentally gave me the hospital bill Of everything that they used on me and, uh, all my like, like, if I had, like, a a ginger ale, diet ginger ale, There's a little 6 ounce, those little ones. Um, I had, like, uh, 20 of them while I was there.”

“They were charging $12 for each one of those. They they had on the bill, like, uh, the the linen, what the linen cost and this and that. Lin was $200, just the bedsheets. Like like, they I saw all this stuff on this bill. The bill ended up being for 5 days.”

“It was a $165,000. Wow. How could you spend a $165,000 just laying in a hospital bed?”

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