Finding a mentor

1 year ago

It's easier to notice something is wrong when we know what "right" feels like!

In the video, I use examples of relationships, fitness routines, and workplaces - anything with a process.

However, I actually first thought of this concept with music. If everything is in perfect pitch and tempo, I noticed mistakes more easily.

On the other hand, if almost EVERYTHING is wrong, it was harder to even tell when something was right 😅

Finding a good mentor you trust can help get you on a right path. It's not always easily possible, but a mentor could be a friend, family member, or even someone you work with.

If you ever get a chance, spend a few days with someone you acknowledge as WAY better than you at a hobby or passion. It can be very enlightening what they do differently (and what they do exactly like you!)

Of course, there are exceptions. Some people are self-taught. Others have bad "teachers" that set them on the WRONG path. It's hard to say for sure what to do. It's situational. Sometimes, we have to experiment and see what happens. Sometimes, a mentor is wonderful but we have to forge our own style.

Just some thoughts. Have a wonderful day!

#hybridcalisthenics #mentor #shorts

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