All Doom II (1994) cheat codes in under 3 minutes

1 year ago

IDDQD = invulnerability

IDBEHOLDI = temporary invisibility

IDBEHOLDR = temporary radiation suit

IDBEHOLDS = temporary berserk

IDBEHOLDA = temporary automap

IDBEHOLDV = temporary invulnerability

IDBEHOLDL = temporary light

IDKFA = full health, ammo, weapons, armor, and keys

IDFA = full health, ammo, weapons, and armor

IDDT = show map detail
(only works when map is showing)

IDCHOPPERS = gain chainsaw

IDCLEVxx = warp to level "xx"
"xx" can be anywhere from 01-32
IDCLEV07 in this example

IDMYPOS = displays your position and bearing
"xx" can be anywhere from 01-32
IDMUS31 in this example

IDCLIP = walk through walls

IDSPISPOPD = walk through walls
(originally only for Doom, but it works in this version of Doom II on Steam)

I purchased the Doom Classic Bundle off Steam. You can get it here:

I made two walkthroughs for Doom II, including one for Hell on Earth (the main storyline) and one for The Master Levels:

Hell on Earth (main storyline)

The Master Levels

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