Rogue Engine - Setting Up For AR - In Sixty Seconds

1 year ago

Rogue Engine gives you the ability to very quickly set up an Augmented Reality scene that can be viewed on any device that supports WebXR.

That means most recent Android phone or tablets most VR headsets that support passthrough.

First make a new project in Rogue Engine.

From the default scene make sure your Wi-Fi broadcast address is set to use https protocol.

Then open the marketplace window.

Scroll down the list until you get to the AR Base Project package.

Install the package to your project. It will appear in the Rogue Packages directory.

Navigate down to the ar base project directory and double click the Base AR scene.

This is a basic AR scene - if you browse to your IP address on a compatible mobile device you will be able to select Start AR.

Move the device backwards and forwards to calibrate the floor level and then select a position to place your scene object.

And that's how we setup an AR scene with Rogue Engine. We'll cover how the code works in the next video.

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