Tetris for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

1 year ago

This was released in 1989. I'll never forget the cover art on the original cartridge.

You have two different options for GAME TYPE, including A-TYPE and B-TYPE. You're also offered to choose MUSIC TYPE, which is a different music soundtrack you can listen to while you play, including MUSIC - 1, MUSIC - 2, MUSIC - 3, and OFF.

A-TYPE is a standard Tetris game and you can have it start anywhere from level 0 to 9. I do not know how high the levels go, but the speed increase caps at level 29.. However, the max high score you can achieve is 999,999. B-TYPE offers the player to play any one level 0-9 as well as choose a "height" level 0-5, which adds debris on the board to clear, making it harder.

In B-TYPE, you max at the score you can get for that level and when the level is clear, you're done.

I notice there are separate score boards for A-TYPE and B-TYPE, with room for only three entries each.

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