Russian Soldier Saves A Injured Enemy Soldier After A Firefight

1 year ago

A Russian soldier, risking his life, pulls a wounded Ukrainian soldier out of the line of fire right during the battle.
At this time there is a shootout.
Our soldier asks his guys to cover him with fire from shooting still combat-ready ukros.

Russian - Hold on to the barrel of the machine gun with both hands.

Ukrainian - Hurts! Hurts!

Russian - I understand that it hurts you, but you have to be patient. Hold on tight. If you want to live, turn over on your back.

Ukrainian - Ay - ay, it hurts!

Russian - Be patient! Be patient! Be patient!

Ukrainian - Ay - ay!

Russian - And where is your DTK (muzzle brake compensator)? Did you lose it?

Ukrainian - And I don't have one and never had one.

Russian - How do they arm you!?

~~ CNN clip at the start of hostilities over 8 yrs ago.

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