Mr. Miles Guo's legal team has compiled a detailed timeline of major events since he came to the US

1 year ago

11/25/2023 【Miles Insight】Mr. Miles Guo's legal team has compiled a detailed timeline of major events he has experienced since he came to the U.S. They emphasize the credibility of the NFSC as an anti-CCP organization and highlight the NFSC’s third anniversary celebration that took place in the Mahwah base on June 4, 2023, which was attended by multiple members of the U.S. Congress, a former U.S. ambassador, a former chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and a sitting U.S. mayor.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
11/25/2023 【Nicole看七哥】郭文贵先生的法律团队列出了自他来到美国后所经历的重大事件的详细时间线;他们还强调郭先生创建的新中国联邦是一个有信誉的灭共组织,并特别提到了2023年6月4日在马瓦基地举办的新中国联邦三周年庆典,数名现任美国国会议员,前美国驻外大使、前美国国会情报机构的主席以及一位现任美国市长均有出席。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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