Israel to shut down one of their OWN NEWSPAPERS for speaking truth?

1 year ago

Right, so I covered a story the other day where 8 BBC journalists laid into their own bosses over their pro-Israel stance, taking their story to Al-Jazeera to do so, in order to ensure it was reported properly and not spun into something else as our own media outlets would do, but equally this has been reflected somewhat in Israel too, with their newspaper Haaretz having been calling out Israeli atrocity, calling out the lies and exposing the truth, journalists there more able to speak out freely than our own BBC is it would appear, but appearances can be deceptive, as the Netanyahu regime is so unhappy that all of his lies are getting undone by a paper and he’s invoking patriotism as the reason why. Haaretz is being unpatriotic by calling out, but given that Haaretz is actually older than the state of Israel itself, can that even be an accusation that holds water, but besides which governments should be held to account by their media. The fact this shut down of Israel’s longest running newspaper appears to have legs to it, shows Netanyahu and his regime have plenty to hide and Haaretz exposing it is making them decidedly uncomfortable.

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