1 year ago

On November 16, 1974, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, told this parable about the American Thanksgiving.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For each season, as the Seven Spirits of God created the earth -- and they created the fowl of the air. And one said unto another, “In the bleak full months of the winter we must place something there to remind man that spring should come.” And each came forth with a different thought.

And yet, one looked forth upon the earth and said, “There, unto this one, the cardinal -- it shall come forth in the winter and its color shall bring forth the warmth in men’s hearts. And its tone of voice shall be mellow and merry. And in this manner, they shall know that the Lord has forgotten them not. And therefore, they shall find pleasure in the time when the earth should sleep.”

And then came forth the time when the persecuted of the world came forth upon the new continent, this one you should call the Americans.

And they set aside a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord. And they set aside a time at each meal that prayer should be given up unto the Lord for thanks for the bountiful food that should be placed before them.
And they gave thanks unto the Lord and praise unto the Lord. And the Lord looked down upon them and said, “FOR THIS NATION SHALL BE UNDER THE LORD, FOR IT SHOULD BECOME THE NEW ISRAEL OF ALL THE LANDS.”

And so the nation rose in strength.
Yet in their far memory they had seen the Eagle’s flight, and the promise -- that when the Eagle flew would be the promise of the coming of the Messiah. And therefore, they did make this the symbol of their land.
Yet, in the winter time, the Eagle came forth, for is it not written, give praise unto the Lord, that the time of the Seventh Angel should not come in the winter time. [See Matthew 24:15-23.]

But we say unto you, the Fifth Seal has been opened and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. [See The Revelation 6:9-11.]

We should hand you a cardinal of hope. Grasp it up into your hearts and mind[s] to know that the Lord shall bring forth the spring of your lives.

For in all things there is a proper time for everything. There is a time to plant the garden, and a time to weed the garden. And there is a time to harvest the garden, and a time to till the soil once again, a time to store that which you have harvested.
You have brought forth the book without wings. Many doorways shall open and close before you. And as rain drops upon the desert it shall spread and until it covereth the land. And some shall say many things, but none shall find fault within the thought.

We should give unto thee the cardinal [over] this day.

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