Nov 26 2023 Earthquake Forecast -- New M7 Central America, M6+ in South Japan - dutchsinse

1 year ago

11/26/2023 -- Earthquake Forecast—New M7 activity due in Central America, M6+ in South Japan — dutchsinse
Synthwave music credit to : Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

All areas mentioned in this video should be struck within the next 7-10 days (or less). The forecast for last week has now expired.

Several locations from last week's forecast were direct hits, including the M7.1 at the Izu ridge, the M6.3 (m6.5) West of Sumatra, M6.7 (m7.0) at Vanuatu, and M6.7 (M7.2) at Philippines. Add in Taiwan and Japan today, with identical M5.1s in both countries.

The USA portion is somewhat of a flop, M2.4 struck the location at Ventura, California instead of M4 (100X less power than expected but spot on in location and timing).

The East coast at Quebec technically still has 48 hours to watch, but it looks like it will be 1 full magnitude less than expected (good thing!) M3.0 range instead of M4.0.

M3.0 range are spreading equally across the whole North American plate currently, as shown in this video, reaching as far East as Kansas (so far). Should reach Quebec within 48 hours from now.

I will do additional updates as necessary.

If you would like to do your own earthquake forecasting, or fully test the methods we have publicly developed over the past 12 years, feel free to test and repeat each step of the method by learning the method here:…

Real world example from 2018 and a much fuller explanation of how things work here:…

Note, the above video from 2019 is on the day of the largest earthquake in California in the past 20 years. I had issued a warning 2 days before, calling for M7+ level to strike central California. Then on July 4, 2019, the M7+ earthquake struck Central California at Ridgecrest CA.

When the large earthquake hit, people demanded that I make a new video explaining the method (how to repeat the earthquake forecasting method). Which I did promptly upon the quake striking.

By watching both videos (the long version and the short robot text version), you should be able to start doing your own basic seismic forecasting, and develop it into something very accurate.

Currently, we are able to get things down to about 200 miles of an area (a region or state), within 1 magnitude of what actually strikes, and within 7 days time (sometimes 10 days depending on the size of the area or events moving).

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