US Military Radio | Emergency Action Message | CROSSFIRE | Nov 26 2023

1 year ago

This is a recording of an Emergency Action Message. They are transmissions sent out across the High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS), which is used by the US military to communicate with various assets, including nuclear-capable aircraft and submarines.

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"The HFGCS is used by the United States Air Force to send instructions for their operations through messages, and most commonly send Emergency Action Messages (EAMs). [...] The primary HFGCS frequency is 11175 kHz, and it transmits 24/7 on that frequency as well as 8992 kHz." -

This 30 character message broadcast November 26 2023 at 17:33. It was the first new message broadcast on the HFGCS in over 40 hours. (n.b. the sound starting at 2:05 is from another frequency I was monitoring at the time I made this recording; I wasn't able to remove it for this upload.)

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