Why Is Vilma Cat Under The Carpet?

1 year ago

Does your cat sometimes crawl under a carpet, too? Does it hunt, observe or take a nap while under there? With Vilma we just never know :)

I really like this video. It has a simple idea where we get to enjoy Vilma's antics and behaviors. A throwback to videos that we made about a year ago with a slightly improved editing.

PS: My new computer has been assembled and installed. It's great to see that Shotcut apt package actually works with this new setup. I'm expecting that this will make editing more stable. I still have to migrate all the data, finalize configurations, install a few more drives, buy another 2HDDx8tb and 1SSDx4tb of storage, create and configure a sane backup schedule, install and configure LBRY server and update Debian running Nextcloud... yeah, it's going to take some time but progress has been made :p


Kömpiikö kissanne ajoittain maton alle ja mitä se tekee siellä? Vaanii, tarkkailee vai kenties ottaa torkut? Vilman kohdalla olemme nähneet kaikkea :)

Pidän tästä videosta. Yksinkertainen idea, jossa voimme tarkkailla Vilman tapoja ja outouksia. Tämä video tuntuu eräänlaiselta paluulta vuosi sitten tekemiimme videoihin, vaikkakin editointi on hiukan parantunut.

PS: Uusi koneeni on viimein kasattu ja asennettu. Mukava nähdä, että Shotcut toimii nyt apt-pakettina. Uskon, että tämä tulee helpottamaan editointia kaatumisten vähentymisenä. Minun pitää vielä migroida kaikki data, viimeistellä konfiguraatiot, asentaa muutama levy lisää koneeseen, ostaa lisää levyjä (2HDDx8tb ja 1SSDx4tb), suunnitella ja luoda varmuuskopiontisuunnitelma, asentaa LBRY-palvelun ja päivittää Debian Nextcloud-palvelimelta... joo, tässä tulee menemään hetki :p


Vilma's Monero address:

Money donations supported by:


Credits for the music:
Music: Quirky Dog by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4259-quirky-dog
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Heavy Trailer 5 by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/455-heavy-trailer-5
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music by: https://www.steven-obrien.net/
Pizzicato Minuet - Steven O'Brien


Credits for the FX:
Downloaded from: https://freesound.org/
License: Creative Commons 0 License: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Provided by: MATRIXXX_
File: 503461__matrixxx__retro-jump-04.wav
Provided by: MATRIXXX_
File: 458641__matrixxx__retro-jump-02.wav
Provided by: MATRIXXX_
File: 459156__matrixxx__cartoon-penguin-01.wav
Provided by: MATRIXXX_
File: 458884__matrixxx__retro-jump-03.wav
Provided by: MATRIXXX_
File: 458258__matrixxx__retro-jump-01.wav
Provided by: Audeption
File: 541822__audeption__three-two-one-fight-deep-voice.wav
Provided by: Xemptful
File: 406622__xemptful__ready.mp3


Special credits:
Odysee SpaceMan logo: https://odysee.com
Minds Lightbulb: https://www.minds.com/
Bitchute Logo: https://www.bitchute.com/
Gab Logo: https://gab.com/
Rumble Logo: https://rumble.com/

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