10 months ago

Understand how you have been manipulated. Realize that they are in the process of 'trying' to bring back hardcore religion, as a means of control. They have purposely turned everything upside-down in America, brainwashing your children to cut their dicks/tits off, teaching them in schools the most prevented sexual acts behind your back, now the courts are making it legal for adults to have sex with children.. This is to return us to religion (a new religion) one that will give them total control of the masses. People had stopped believing (seriously believing) in the bible, a book that the jews wrote, to control us. In the not so distant past, they would reinforce belief in the Jewish written bible by burning us ALIVE tied to a stake, on top of stacks of wood - after torturing us for several days to force us admit to some wrong doing. . This was done in the city Square and the entire population was required to attend. What could they burn us for? Pretty much anything, not donating enough to the church, not getting on our knees fast enough, not allowing them to do what they wanted with our children.. of course, they would claim it was because we were possessed by the devil... The part of this that should really stand out and wake you up is; the Christians didn't carry out this burning/torture/murder themselves, they had an enforcement wing of Jews, that did the torture. This was general practice, right up till the 1880s. They terrorized the people so much using these tactics, that over the of years (thousands of them) our parents would reinforce this Jewish religious narrative, with force, just to keep the children from being put to the stake. We were born into this cult, till it became second nature. I wish I was wrong, but I'm not. I truly believe there is 'something' after we die, every thought, every memory we have, is an electrical impulse, this energy doesn't just disappear when we die, it flees. I don't believe we fade into nothing, our earth, our atmosphere is full of electrical impulses and frequencies, I believe our energy/thoughts/memories are absorbed into it, from there I'm not sure what happens. But I am sure, it's not what they have been telling/teaching us - "turn the other cheek" when they bitch slap us, so they can slap the other cheek. They rewrite their book constantly, trying to keep it somewhat believable, whatever happened to "an eye for an eye", "if your hand offends you"... or "pluck out your eye if it offends you" etc.. You've got to realize, 'jews' wrote all but 'one' of the so-called books in the bible. Their religious book, the talmud, says that our 'Jewish' savor, Jesus, boils in shit, piss and seaman for all eternity.

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