Golden Retriever Looks Guilty After Being Caught Making a Mess

10 months ago

Nicolle Doyle captured video of Cache her golden retriever looking very guilty after being confronted with the
mess he made at his home in Mission Viejo, California.

Doyle told Storyful her retriever Cache created the mess after being left alone for an extended period of
time while she was at work. She had recently returned to her office after working from home for seven months.
During that time Cache got used to being by her side but Doyle was confident he would be fine on his own after
leaving him in their apartment on “trial runs” while she went grocery shopping or on various errands.

Cache is crate trained but Doyle thought he would be good for him to stay in her bedroom instead of him being in
the tight space. Much to her surprise, Doyle came home to a big mess in her bedroom after leaving Cache alone
for seven hours.

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