Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving Leftovers

1 year ago

1876 Tomato Turkey Soup
Leftover vegetables
Bay leaf
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

1876 PILAN. (A Turkish Dish.)
Boston Receipts
A. Williams & Co.
Leftover Turkey Soup
½ pound butter
Prepare a beef soup, seasoned with tomatoes, pepper and salt; while it is boiling add half the quantity of rice well washed; let the two boil together for twenty minutes, until the soup is absorbed by the rice melt quickly half a pound of butter, mix it immediately with the rice and serve in five minutes; cut cold turkey or chicken in small pieces and mix with the rice while it is boiling and before adding the butter.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Note: The recipe calls for a beef soup but I used turkey soup and it came out great.

In the Kitchen
Elizabeth S. Miller
Cold boiled potatoes
Cold boiled beets
Salad dressing
The potatoes should be firm, not too much boiled nor mealy. The beets must be boiled very tender; when cold cut them both in pieces about half an inch square; pour over them a salad dressing; garnish with curled parsley.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

The Southern Household Companion
Mrs. Mary L. Edgeworth
Turnips, mashed
Wheat meal
Let the turnips be peeled, and boiled in water till soft and tender; then strongly press out the juice, mix well together, and when dry, beat or pound very fine, and mix with their weight of wheat meal; then season as you do other bread, and knead it up thin, letting the dough remain a little to ferment ; make the dough into loaves, and bake it like common bread.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Note: This was not enough of a recipe for me but I wanted to try it, so I went online and looked up a potato bread recipe and substituted turnip instead.

1877 Green Pea Salad.
The Cooking Manual of Practical Directions for Economical Every-Day Cookery
Juliet Corson
Superintendent of the New York Cooking School
1 pint peas
1 tbs powdered sugar
2 tbs oil
1 tbs vinegar
2 cucumbers
Place one pint of cold boiled peas in a bowl with one tablespoonful of powdered sugar ; pour over them two tablespoonfuls of oil and one of vinegar, and garnish with two cucumbers delicately sliced. This salad is excellent with a Mayonnaise.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Probably not

The Golden Age Cook-Book
Henrietta Latham Dwight
1 large cup squash, mashed
1 heaping tbs butter
1 heaping tsp flour
4 tbs milk
1 egg, beaten light
Salt and pepper
A large heaping cup of Hubbard squash, measured after it is baked and mashed smooth, a generous heaping tablespoonful of butter, melted and stirred into the squash, a heaping teaspoonful of flour mixed with four tablespoonfuls of milk and one egg beaten light, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake about twenty minutes. Serve in the dish in which it is baked. If any is left over, make it up into little round cakes and brown in butter for luncheon.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

Smiley's Cook Book and Universal Household Guide
Confectioner’s sugar
Strong coffee
Coffee Icing is made by stirring confectioner's sugar into strong coffee set on the stove till it is heated; put it on the cake while warm.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes

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