Ukraine - The Hidden Truth

10 months ago

The US Deep-State and the Rothschilds wanted Ukraine, once predominantly Khazaria (research the Khazarian Mafia) to launch a proxy war against Russia, deep-state scumbag Senators John McCain (executed) and Lindsey Graham, and also deep-state scumbag Victoria Nuland were involved in the 2014 colour revolution that the mockingbird media covered as an internal coup d'tat. No, it was the US deep-state toppling yet another democratically elected government. The mockingbird media are heavily drenched in the blood of Ukrainians and Russians. In 2014 the Nazis of the Asov Battalion and Right Sector launched an 8 year offensive on Russians, and Russian speaking Ukraines in the Donbas as western deep-state cabal governments funded and equipped the Nazis in Ukraine, not forgetting the 46 bioweapon labs engaged in cv-19 production and gain of function research.

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