March 26, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... The Latter Rain is poured out, yet who is thirsty?

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The Latter Rain is poured out… Yet who is thirsty?

March 26, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of the Lord spoken to Timothy, for The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord to His little flock… Obey My word! Seek My heart! For only those who obey My Word know Me, and only those who follow Me shall walk in safety. Go your own way, in spite of My words, and you shall surely stumble… Troubles shall overtake you, and many tears.

Beloved, I have removed this table, and commanded My servant to be silent, save when I command him to speak or cause him to write My words. And still some of you have yet to truly seek Me, that you might confess your heart, that I might heal your need.

Nor do you consume My words as the starving man consumes bread, nor is your thirst like that of the man lost in the desert, seeking to quench his thirst.

Neither have you rushed forward to take My hand, that I may lead you out of this darkness, out of this desolate land. For darkness has come to consume this world, and desolations shall shortly overtake this land… And still, some of you do not believe.

Therefore, I will no more speak to you in the former manner, and that which I have spoken already shall no more be placed before your eyes in fellowship, until the time be changed. And that which remains shall be made complete, it shall be finished and put on open display… If you so choose to partake of it, if you so choose to obey it, if you so choose to write My words upon your hearts.

No more shall you seek out My teachers in My stead. For I command them to be silent, unless The Word of My mouth speaks and commands them, or My Spirit moves them to answer. No more shall you go round about… No more shall you place your trust in any man.

Seek My face only, and abide in steadfast trust… Trust which must be… The kind of which you have not known, the kind of which only I can give, the kind of which comes from knowing… I AM THE LORD!

Rejoicing always in My will, no matter the time or the season… Saying Amen and giving thanks without ceasing, to the praise of My glory. Remember My words, write them upon your hearts, both the former and the latter… For I do not change.

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