Expansion of Healing Intelligence in the Body - Dorothy Rowe Audio Healing

1 year ago

Dorothy Rowe, Intuitive Consultant, conducts an audio healing to expand the healing intelligence of the body.
Video credits: PEXELS/Haakon Birkeli and Zlatin Georgiev

❤️ Subscribe to Dorothy's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZji41RQJtHG8dS8I9p3ypg?sub_confirmation=1

❤️Live Webinars with Dorothy Rowe: https://www.distanceenergywork.com

Definitions of terms used in this video may be found on Dorothy's Energy Healing Knowledge Base: https://www.distanceenergywork.com/energy-healing-knowledge-base/

Overview of this healing:

---Healing involves making the connection between the suffering and the part of oneself that called the suffering into existence.
---A download is being received to provide the resources to evolve past the patterns that created suffering.
---Purification drives one to retract from dynamic outward activity and take rest. Activating a download of understanding regarding how to recognize the coming of purification well before it arrives.
---Be prepared for awareness to take an inward direction. The purpose of purification is to prepare the ground for the coming of Divine Grace.
---The physical body becomes vulnerable when the healing process is taking place. This vulnerability allows the body to undergo transformation.
---You are likely to find that the physical changes increase clear communication with the body. You will naturally be attracted to behaviors, foods, and objects of focus that uplift and support health.

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