Israel Vs. Hamas and The War of Gog and Magog

1 year ago

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Richard welcomes a filmmaker and researcher of Biblical Prophecy to discuss the parallels between a future war predicted in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 38 and 39, and the current war between Israel and Hamas.

GUEST: Ali Siadatan is the founder of Think Again Productions in Canada—a multimedia teaching ministry shedding light on mysteries and treasures of scriptural knowledge which is making the bible more real than ever. Siadatan has found evidence keeps agreeing with the bible’s tale, from biblical cities peering through the sand to "alien" abductions and prophetic events. Siadatan has a Black Belt in Kung Fu and has been training since 1991. He is married and has two wonderful daughters.

His research into UFOs has inspired him to write a work of fiction (in progress), as well as a second documentary on the rise of the Antichrist titled Goliath Rising : Hybrids Nephilim & Titans.


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