10 months ago

It is NOT limited to the metal you see on your refrigerator. It's a neat trick / attribute, but it's not magnetism's original function in the biology of nature.
Dielectric inertial plane = The Electro-Static Equator within magnetism.

What he's saying, is when the space from end to end becomes to great, the magnetic geometry will not exist as it's usual Torus
It then propagates in a DOUBLE HELIX
Phi-Ilotaxis propagation, like a transmission line, or Light. DNA also.

Doesn't matter WHAT is propagating through the Air / Aer / Ether, SunLight or Energy transmission.
Energy is Energy & it propagates the same. In a coaxeal circuit, torodial vortex like manner.
Occult cabal run mainstream science's foundation is built upon their understanding of Light / Magnetism >Conciousness. Unfortunately, they're LYING about WHAT Magnetism is & HOW it TRULY functions.
Their foundation to brainwash masses is based upon WHAT we're allowed to learn.
They LIE to us as they wave symbolism -> Knowledge in our faces on Tel-a-vision

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