Unlike US, China is a civilization state not a nation state

1 year ago

Video: Unlike US, China is a civilization state not a nation state. Your Chinese heritage is not determined by where you live or passport you are holding unless you openly and notoriously give it up or declare your motherland your enemy. China is an all inclusive society with 56 races living in harmony. International carnival held in Shanghai university showcases different cultures. 與美國不同,中國是文明中華民族國家. 你的中國血統並不取決於你居住的地方或你所持有的護照,除非你公開地、臭名昭著地放棄它或宣布你的祖國為你的敵人. 中國是一個包容性的社會,有56個種族和睦相處。 上海大學舉辦的國際嘉年華展示不同文化.

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