The Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Holiness

1 year ago

This video was made with Clipchamp

Good morning, here is today's prayer...

Dear Father in Heaven,

Please help me to develop a deeper desire for time with You today in worship, prayer and reading my Bible...

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...
James 4:8

I want to to spend more time with You every day.

Thank You for always being near to me when I turn to you.

Please help me to be aware of Your presence with me at all times.

Here I am today, to bow down and worship You and to testify that You are my God, my deliverer, my hope, and my future.

Please help me to be holy unto you...because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
I Peter 1:16

May I remember Your love for me and draw closer to You each and every day...
That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, And tell of all Your wondrous works.
Psalm 26:7

It is with thanksgiving in my heart that I pray in Jesus’ holy name,

The Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Holiness

And declared to be the Son of God with power
according to the Spirit of holiness,
by the resurrection from the dead.

Romans 1:4

The third Person of the Trinity is the Spirit of Holiness. His nature is pure and holy. The Holy Spirit is holy, just as the Father and Son are holy. No sin can come before the Holy Spirit, because His holiness means that, like the Father and the Son, He is a consuming Fire that judges any sin in His presence. But because Jesus died to forgive your sin, you can live with the Holy Spirit forever. You can confess your sins and come into His presence with your prayers for this day.

I come to You, Spirit of Holiness, asking that You give me holy thoughts and holy motives. I am only human and can’t become godly in myself.

The Spirit of Holiness entered your life when you became a Christian. Because you are a finite human, you cannot be holy in yourself; but the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life makes you holy. Invite Him into your body today. When you yield to His control, you will develop holy values and attitudes. When you put the Holy Spirit first in your life, you can have holy thoughts. When you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can have His power to live a holy life. Let the Holy Spirit fill your life with the Spirit of Holiness.

Holy Spirit, I want You to make me more godly. Fill me with Your holiness, and make me spiritual. Amen.

Go Deeper: Romans 7:23; Romans 8:11
Only the Holy Spirit can make you holy.
Tomorrow...Jesus: Wisdom

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