PFL buying Bellator was a MISTAKE | E260 - TFL podcast, PFL 10 2023 card recap

1 year ago

Today we are talking PFL’s 2023 tournament championships. While fights like Olivier Aubin-Mercier vs. Clay Collard and Kayla Harrison vs. Aspen Ladd were fun, sitting through the broadcast was mind numbing at best. We will talk about what PFL can do to make the production of their event better. But we can’t talk about just that. We have to talk about fights! PFL put on six title fights and we talk about the best on the night.

Olivier Aubin-Mercier has won ten straight fights and beat some of the best in the world all while earning $2 million in the process. If you missed it, his fight with Clay Collard was the best on the night and an absolute pleasure to watch. We will also go into depth on why Aspen Ladd gave Kayla Harrison such trouble on the ground despite Harrison being the better fighter there. There’s Derek Brunson’s fight IQ against Ray Cooper III we discuss, Biaggio Ali Walsh, and Khai Wu vs. Phil Caracappa as well.

What do you think of the 2023 PFL Championships? Good fights? Bad production? Sound off in the comments!

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