Testing updated Derby Modded board v4.0

1 year ago

Combined the "stage 2" and "stage 3" computers into one. This is a prototype version but things are looking good so far =). Planning these for release pretty soon.


-IGF Signal spoofed (feedback to the computer to know coils are working)
-Power light - when key on, or ignition powered solid red light
-Injector pulse - when injector #1 gets a pulse, the yellow LED blinks, good for diag to make sure the computer is sending out spark and injector pulses.
-Engine coolant temp spoofing - optional, planning to come setup for no spoofing, but with the computer hooked up to a car and using an OBD2 scanner, you can calibrate the exact temp you want the computer to see.
-Engine coolant max temp limiting - board limits the max temp the computer can see to prevent sensor errors or other oddities.
-IAC Spoofing - works with IAC hooked up or disconnected. Of course with IAC disconnected you won't have the high cold idle
-Prevents limp modes - when the computer normally pulls the timing when the engine gets hot, this computer is setup to prevent that issue.
-All extra pins removed to prevent conflicts across models

Not in this board yet but also planning to hot wire the trans for 1st gear right in the computer. On this model, all forward gears would become 1st gear and reverse would work normally yet.

Currently only 4 check engine codes get stored in the computer all relating to the transmission (disconnected).

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