The Astrological Implications of the X-Files

1 year ago

The first episode of the channel Facing North is the Astrological Implications of the X-Files. A deep look into the astrology of the natal charts of Scully and Mulder, their transits over the first three seasons, and so much more!
For those following along at home, here are the dates and times of the charts used for this episode.

Dana Scully - Feb. 23, 1964. 6:31 AM Annapolis MD
Fox Mulder - Oct. 13, 1961. 3:37 AM Martha's Vineyard, MA
Samantha Mulder Jan 22, 1964, Chilmark, MA (wow... just realized how close to Scully's birthday Sam's is... I didn't even consider that given how much Scully winds up reactivating these old wounds in Mulder's life...)
The Abduction of Samantha Mulder - Nov. 27, 1973. 8:53 PM Chilmark, MA
Beyond the Sea - early January 1994
Erlenmeyer Flask - May 08, 1994 (X-Files shut down thirteen days later)
Duane Berry - Aug. 07, 1994
Colony - Jan. 10 - 1995
Anasazi - Apr. 09 - 1995
Mulder's father dies - Apr. 13 - 1995
The Great Syzygy - Jan. 12 - 1996
The Syzygy Girl's natal chart - Jan. 12 - 1979 in some fictional town in New Hampshire.

My astrology teacher Robin Armstrong's website where you can purchase your own coloured natal chart, and many other amazing ephemera, including scholarships to RASA, his astrology school.

Amazing astrology site I got my synastry charts from, the depths of services offered for free there are astounding, go get lost for a Lunation cycle or two....

Syzygy image taken from the free Stellarium App. Get oriented to the night sky.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:00 Natal Chart of Dana Scully
00:27:19 Natal Chart of Fox Mulder
00:46:40 The Abduction of Samantha Mulder
00:52:58 Back to Mulder
00:58:00 The Synastry of Mully and Sculder
01:11:40 The Transits of Erlenmeyer Flask
01:22:05 The Transits of Duane Berry and Ascension

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