WHAT'S REALLY HAPPENING IN OUR NATION? Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982)

1 year ago

(Sermons gratefully used with permission by Roloff Evangelistic Enterprises

Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) saw the Communist takeover of America back in the 1970's. Tragically, most pastors today don't care because it hasn't adversely affected them yet; but it will soon! Communism seems so great on the surface; but in reality it is a coffin filled with a rotting corpse!

That's how the Devil works. Just like the dirty Banksters came to American homeowners with their ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgages), convincing unsuspecting homeowners that it would save them money; but it was all a big financial trap, which eventually cost millions of U.S. citizens their homes.

Tens-of-millions of American citizens have lost their jobs, homes and life's savings because of U.S. Communism and the devaluing dollar caused by social welfare programs, treasonous foreign aid, and reckless government debt-spending! The more money the U.S. Treasury prints, the less it's worth. It's basic economics 101. Communism by design is flawed.

Brother Roloff fought against government tyranny, who attacked him ruthlessly because he was making a massive impact for God in the lives of thousands of young people, successfully building strong families, and the Devil's crowd wouldn't stand for that. Search the internet for much more information.

The purpose of Communism is to destroy the family, Christianity and all faith in God; thus enabling the government to become all-powerful, causing people to become totally dependent upon the government for everything, which gives the government total control over every aspect of people's lives. Ownership of property brings with it rights. And likewise, if the government takes control over all the properties through forced foreclosures, then they have absolute rights!

This is all being done by design in America. The moral subversion of our nation is deliberate, whether it be feminism, abortion, homosexuality or the lying mainstream newsmedia. Thankfully, God is still on His throne and will eventually step in and stop all this mess. That is my earnest hope as a born-again Christian! God notices everything (Matthew 12:36).

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