support your local record store!

1 year ago

holy shit i am so funny
i had to eat my yogurt
i also have a salad to eat
i thought i was in the last parking spot, guess not
yep that's someone i know from Church haha
i take back everything i just said
the vortex is too much of a pussy to eat a jalapeno
i had to pick up this hubcap off the side of the road
i just happened upon this record store
i ordered a live dead album so it should be arriving next week
support your local white-owned biz
no other race owns a record store unless yawl know sumin i don't (i'm not saying that other races don't shop there, i'm saying that the obsession w/ musical variety tends to be a white thing)
if you have taste in america it's cos you're part of some weird subculture
spotify is not for music lovers
oh! the jutzpah of the AI to suggest things to me
variety record shop, downtown columbia TN
columbia is still pretty quaint (mostly religious conservative white people that's why)
garbage is one of the best bands from the nineties
these little singles/imports are just the best
ag is only happy when it rains
why do you have to go to a festival to get drugs, just know some people
there's a significant difference between a lb & an oz
one man gathers what another man spills
no air quotes necessary
shirley manson, another crazy fire snatch that had a lot to release
INXS so so good
what would be the answer to the answer man?
we might need to get an additional copy of this album
xmas music is mostly crap & not about Jesus
so excited about this war album n you will understand why in the next several videos
really good find w/ the violent femmes, DEMOS baby!
velvet underground...white light white heat is kinda a must
bare of the few fleetwood mac albums that i don't have
stevie knicks n lindsey buckingham kinda fucked it up even tho their songs were still pretty good, totally different vibe from the original blues band that peter green started in the sixties
how could i not get this johnny cash album

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