Exploring The Possible Origin Of Our Modern Pursuit And Obsession With UFOs And Aliens

10 months ago

What does the Bible really say about the last days on earth? How do the words of Christ on Mount of Olives (Olivet Discourse) connect Noah’s Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Ancient Mythology, and Modern Science to end times Bible prophecy? Did God really hide everything we need to know about the last days in the stories of Noah and Lot? Who or what is really behind all of the UFO sightings and the abduction of human beings all over the world? These are just a few of the questions that this article seeks to answer.

The truth is that authorities have blindfolded the truth about realities of the supernatural and the entities in the unseen world (the righteous and unrighteous).

The Bible tells us that our war is not with flesh and blood, but what does that statement really mean? Is the spiritual war crossing over into the physical realm?

This is for real one of the most controversial studies; but one thing is for sure, after you read through this, you will never look at the world we live in the same again.

In January through March of 1918, Aleister Crowley begun a series of experiments called Amalantrah Workings in which he is said to have opened a portal to another dimension allowing an entity (demon) to enter through it. The demon looks surprisingly similar to what we see on TV Documentaries and in movies called”The Gray”.

Supposedly, Crowley’s portal was further enlarged by Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder Jack Parsons and Scientology & Dienetics founder L. Ron Hubbard in March of 1946 at a location that later became known as”Area 51". Their experiment was called the Babalon Working.

Unlike Crowley however, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were not as adept at opening and closing portals! Theirs apparently stayed open and the modern UFO era begun one year later (the same year Aleister Crowley died).

In 1947, we have the Roswell”Crash”. 1947 is also when the Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered (the book of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees were among the Dead Sea Scrolls...

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