Sentient And Intelligent Entities In The Universe: Are We The Only One?

1 year ago

As a Bible believer, the answer has always been quite clear. We are NOT alone, but not in the way modern authorities tells us.

The Bible speaks of many different forms of intelligences apart from human beings. For example, ‘sons of God’ are mentioned mating with human women to produce a race of giants called Nephilim in Genesis 6. Two angels were lusted after by the men in the town of Sodom Gomorrah in Genesis 19. Watchers are mentioned in the book of Daniel 4. And demons appear in the New Testament with the ability to possess human bodies in various ways, as well as communicate with the likes of Jesus Himself. And in fact, God is considered the highest possible intelligence there can be (since He is the author of this world!)

So, the bottom line is that according to the Bible, there are MANY different intelligent entities apart from human beings alone.

However, modern authorities dominate the interpretive methods of the data gathered resulting in a very biased, and what we are arguing, a very wrong view of WHO the alleged ‘ALIENS’ are!

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