UFOs And The Bible

1 year ago

The Bible speaks of a heavenly host, chariots of fire and even God Himself mounting a cherub and flying around (Ps. 18). In fact, Ps. 68 speaks of the chariots of God being numbered in tens of thousands! So what did that look like? To the modern viewer, would this have looked like a fleet of UFOs? Even so, would that necessarily mean that God is some kind of alien?

And if we consider specific details of the theophanies in scripture, would what the prophets saw in their visions thousands of years ago look to us like mere high-tech, or perhaps something that can be experienced or imagined much more readily in our time? Thanks to the advanced technological gadgetry like VR, AR, gaming, and Sci-Fi action films!

If we are to hastily assume that all genuine UFO sightings are actually interstellar entities travelling around in some kind of inter-dimensional “chariots”, could we be dismissing the fact that God and His heavenly host not only might have a similar mode of transportation, but that the eschatological passages about his glorious return might appear like the most EPIC UFO IVASION EVER to a deceived world which will consider Him an enemy to mankind?

We know that Satan is the “Prince of the power of the Air (Eph. 2:2) and rebel gods like Baal are described as the “cloud rider” in ancient Sumerian mythology. At the same time, not only do we find literary subversion of God being the true “Cloud Rider” in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 33:26), but a resurrected Jesus Himself ascended behind the clouds, and was declared by the angels that He would return to earth the same way (Acts 1:9,11). And as we deepen our understanding of how Jesus was, His second coming, and our joining Him in the air become the eschatological moment that all of us believers should be rejoicing in…because it’s going to be SUPER EPIC no matter what mode of transportation the Lord chooses to reveal to us at that time!

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