12 – EQC – Step 2 of the MEG's (Matter Energy Gateway's)

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In live-stream 11 the Elohim and Teams introduced an initial activation and clearance within the fundamental matter of being. After this it became clear to me that they were preparing us for a series of profound and powerful activations in step. This first was necessary for paving the way that will begin this series of activations to bring dormant energy gateways (MEG’s – matter energy gateways) into opening and shinning like miniature stars in each atom of the body.
This is a massive step forward for us in the ascension process, I feel. A process that needs the body up-level and meet the profound, powerful love state of our higher selves. To do this, the Elohim and Teams have made it clear that the matter aspect of our human suit needs to make this jump for those that feel they are ready.
This is building on the work they have already done with us, including the quantum pathways, and in my experience so far of having had the first steps of this activation, my body feels lighter and more alive with divine love intelligence. My cells are open and communicating in ways they didn’t before and my higher self has deeper access to them. This will deepen and grow as the activations unfold.
See on the next live-stream!

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Disclaimer: The EQC live-streams are free guided meditations by the Elohim and Teams, given in the spirit of kindness. We ask you to remember to connect with your higher self to ask if this meditation, and activations from it, are right for you. Please use your own discernment and only take part under your own full self-responsibility, as we cannot accept any responsibility for those taken part live or otherwise in any way. Please remember that we do not and cannot give any medical advice or support and these guided meditations are not in any way to be considered as such.

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