1 year ago

Without doubt the 2021 Inauguration, will go down in history, as one of the most Criminally Treasonous events, that the world has ever seen, and probably will never see again. If you just try and tell any one, they would not believe the first few words you uttered. I still get blown away, every time I find, yet another Biden Imposter. At first I just new they were all imposters from day one in 1972. I had no idea, of the numbers of imposter, I was to find in the next five years. Every single person at this inauguration, must have seen at least some, of the multitudes of imposters being swapped around, the entire time. John Roberts and Co-horts would have all known they were inaugurating Imposters. Every person, on that top deck, would have all known and seen, exactly what was happening, right before their eyes. To think that the USA has 18 security agencies, supposedly looking after America’s interests? Givee me a break, every single one has to be complicit, for this to have been allowed to happen, over the entire 51 years, since day one. The demon rats, have to be the most Evil, and Criminally Treasonous Miscreants, in world history. Every single one involved or who just knew about it and said nothing faces Treason Charges and death by the Noose or Fireing Squad. Just as Killary so eloquently predicted “ If you people don’t fix this shit, we are all for the noose” They also lose every single asset they own.

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