The Story Of An Hour by Kate Chopin. #audiobook

3 years ago

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is possibly the classic short story of American literature. It lasts only eight minutes but Chopin packs twist after twist and paints vivid and complicated characters. The Story of an Hour takes only eight minutes to read but Chopin create a real gem in that short time.

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It just shows how our life is completely transformed by seeing things from different perspectives. That is true both of the heroine, who dies, but also for us in this masterful tale with multiple twists.

One crisis, three twists, a death and all this in 7 minutes and 42 seconds. Not bad.

Kate Chopin knows how to tell a tale. Where it might have ended with an 'oh!' it ends with at least one 'Aha!', and we all know that Ahas are always better than Ohs.

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[Music]( by The Heartwood Institute

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