DAY 5 of $12,000 excavation project! IT'S FULLY GRADED & PLANTED!

1 year ago

Going to be a busy AND PRODUCTIVE WEEK! Sharon is on vacation so that means I WILL BE WORKING ALL WEEK! LOL. Join us for DAY 5 of Sharon's vacation from work, although she will be working full time on our VRBO cabin project to try and make up for lost time to get this beautiful Southern Illinois home finished! And of course that means that I will have supervision all week so that I can't get out of too much work! Seriously though it is time to kick this vrbo cabin into full gear to get it completely finished and on the market to sell! Needless to say that our expectations were never met on this new home construction as it has been nearly 2 years in the making with TONS of letdowns.. Week after week, month after month, mystery bill after mystery bill.. But now that it is nearly done the ball is in OUR COURT NOW! And that means WORKING OVERTIME! So for DAY 5 Sharon will be working inside of the cabin by sanding and staining cabinets and doors to give the rustic, yet modern inside some contrast since all of the walls are knotty pine, aka car siding, with a light color wood texture. And I will be working on the outside working on fixing some major water erosion and water runoff issues, trenching some buried perforated drain tiles, trenching the gutters, working the new gravel drivway that needs to be totally re done, re leveled and re graded, and much more. Oh, and we finally get to fill a dumpster after nearly 2 years of trash build up on this new home construction! So today I'll be using my KIOTI NS6010 for buying new drain tiles, grading out an entire hillside, filling in low spots, final grading with my ABI Attachment TR3 tractor rake, planting grass, leveling ditches for water erosion and runoff and then finishing it off with some leftover straw from the last grass planting. Then we'll get an AFTER look after about a half inch of rain to see how the laser level and ditch grading did, as well as how well I graded the entire hillside to mitigate water erosion and runoff! Be sure to stay tuned for the next episode of this mini excavation project as I will finally be adding a new gravel parking pad and new gravel driveway! If this is your first video on this mini series and you'd like to watch the whole series here are the first few video links posted at our other YouTube Channel-Kapper Outdoors 2.0 land management and excavation:
The Secret to Perfectly Graded Lawns: Kioti NS6010 & TR3 Rake:
WIFE IS ON VACATION ALL WEEK! That means I WILL BE WORKING! DAY 1 trenching drain tiles N MORE:
Thanks for joining us today if you enjoyed today's video project please hit the like button, and consider subscribing to join us on all of our land management projects, land investing, land flipping, land improvement projects, building new roads, wildlife habitat improvement projects, and all of Sharon's DIY rustic red cedar projects and much more country living adventure. Thank you! #kapperoutdoors2 #kapperoutdoors #landinvesting #draintile #bobcate42 #bobcatequipment #ditchdigging #watererosion #kiotins6010 #kiotins4710 #kiotitractor #abiattachments #abitr3

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