Brindle's Conspiracy of Silence involving Lenny, Emily, Charlie and Dave.

1 year ago

Chris Brindle's superb hosting of his YouTube show is a shining example to us all, wannabe YouTubers, of how its done properly.

1. He's genuine. From the heart, talking real feelings, thoughts and opinions.
2. No silent space. There is always something to listen to.
3. He goes live at all times of the day. Off peak, mid peak and high peak. Chris goes live when you least expect it.

I'm joining Chris's cult because he's damn handsome, and it's always a good idea to follow the good looking ones, because they are going places.

There are no limits to the success of Chris Brindle. His YouTube shows are imaginative, boundary pushing and brutally honest.

Chris delivers with every show, unlike Dave Strange who does the complete opposite.

Dave isn't genuine. I don't believe a word he says.
There is too much empty silence. It stops the flow of momentum.
Dave only goes live off-peak.

So let's recap.

Chris Brindle is the best because he's genuine, talks and goes live all the time.

Other YouTubers fail, (and using Dave Strange as an example,) because they lie to their audience, they don't know what to say next, because they're making it up on the spot, and they go live at the off peak times, when they know no one is watching.

Chris does it the right way, and Dave doesn't. So if we want to be better YouTubers? Let's all follow Chris Brindle, our new YouTube cult leader.

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