House of Cards - The COVID Years: behind the censorship

1 year ago

House of Cards reveals the real story of what happened to the world during the Covid years. See behind the vast censorship to hear the testimony of independent experts who were discredited and censored. You’ll find out about the deception perpetrated on the entire world, in pressuring everyone to take a poorly tested, highly dangerous, gene therapy product marketed as a safe and effective vaccine.
The film was designed for those Australians who have wondered about puzzling aspects, such as why the vaccine was supposed to protect us from infection, yet millions ended up catching Covid anyway!
The film connects the vaccines and draconian public health response to the global perspective, and show that the Covid vaccines served a purpose, which had nothing to do with public health. We discuss what each person can do about resisting the move towards turning the citizens of the world into digital serfs, ruled by an ultrawealthy elite group, who have every intention of presiding over a much smaller population than at present.
The film provides an introduction to this extraordinary story and is a standalone feature. However, many viewers will want to know more about the specific evidence for the claims being made in the film.
See and search for ‘Show me the evidence’, to source the presentations which take viewers through the evidence exposing the deceptions, censorship, the harms and the evil intent, as well as the big picture of globalists plan for Australia and the world.

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