What is a Mago Splint?

1 year ago

Let me share a weird journey that I have been on. Behind the scenes here my teeth have been moving. sometimes the pain is unbearable. My jaw and brain have tried to compensate over the years... but it just came to a breaking point a few months ago. I walked in to my Dentist just asking for a referral and walked out with the beginning to a solution. which led me back to my past and finding the beginning of my troubles. this whole journey has been interesting. like people that have massively crooked teeth... their teeth still fit together perfectly.. and they don't need braces! or the pain we have with TMJ? doesn't have to be permanent. But what gets me every time is my dentist actually went to school to learn this... and I didn't have to go to a specialist! Because he is the specialist in our area for this!!! praise God! It wasnt easy wearing this and not being able to talk eith my speech impediment whichbis why i have been so silent for some time. Heres to solutions! #teeth #braces #magasplint #orthodontist #dentist #storytime #teethtok

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