Regardless of the purpose, using a VPN to bypass the Great Firewall is deemed "illegal" by the CCP

1 year ago

11/23/2023 The CCP has recently ramped up efforts to restrict Chinese people from bypassing the Great Firewall. A video circulating online shows that regardless of the purpose, whether it is to learn English or access information, any attempt to bypass the CCP's legal regulations by browsing website content on overseas servers is deemed illegal by the CCP, and individuals engaging in such behaviors may face serious consequences, including imprisonment and fines.
#VPN #GreatFirewall #CCP
11/23/2023 中共最近加大力度限制老百姓翻墙!最近的网传视频显示,不管目的是学英语还是查资料,只要是绕开中共的法律管制以浏览境外服务器相关网页内容的行为都会被中共认定为违法行为并面临判刑、罚款等严重后果。
#虚拟个人专网 #防火墙 #中共

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