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"Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me, for I take refuge in you. I will seek refuge in the shadow of Your wings until danger passes."
- Psalm 57:1
Those that hold to continuationism theology (more commonly known as Charismatic Christianity: the belief that the spiritual gifts spoken of in the New Testament, did not end after the passing of the Apostles), will probably be familiar with the speaker on the video, Amanda Grace.
The placement on this channel, isn't an endorsement of her, nor her ministry. Rather, she is someone to pay attention to. Unlike many of the people who possess the title of prophet, she's the only person that speaks about the significance of BRICS and the ramifications of their decisions. All of which has been seen in this particular video, is accurate.
One major aspect that is questionable, her fatalistic mentality. In the video, she says that certain things are in the Bible, so it means it will all go a certain direction. This mindset is true of not just Amanda Grace and other continuationists but also cessationists (those that believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ended with the Apostles).
The problem with such thinking...the only two people that know exactly how things will unfold, is God and John (the one who wrote the Book of Revelation). More often than not, there have been much more false prophecies, false teachings and bad advice, when it comes to End Times.
One of the most common problems with Christians being able to properly understanding the Bible; the inability to recognize general statements. General statements are broad and blankets the overall situation BUT it does not mean that there aren't exceptions to a situation.
"For God loved the world in this much: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
- John 3:16
That Passage is one of the most well-known in the Bible but it's also a generalization. The first part: "For God loved the world..." is expressing God's love over His creations. How can this be a generalized statement? We can come to this conclusion by looking at verses such as this:
"'I have loved you,' says the Lord.
Yet you ask, 'How have You loved us?'
'Wasn't Esau Jacob's brother?' This is the Lord's declaration. 'Even so, I loved Jacob but I hated Esau. I turned his mountains into a wasteland and gave his inheritance to the desert jackals.' Though Edom says, 'We have been devastated but we will rebuild the ruins,' the Lord of Armies says this: 'They may build but I will demolish. They will be called a wicked country and the people the Lord has cursed forever.'"
- Malachi 1:2-4
There are those that have this notion that God hates sin but not the sinner. The way this Verse is written, there is no separation of the individual and the person's sinful nature. It's written in a very clear fashion, God hated Esau.
God didn't just limit His hatred towards Esau to just him, God hated his descendants also, so much so, as to curse all of them. Those that are thinking, "well that's God in the Old Testament. He started chilling after Jesus' death." If this is the case, why is this also mentioned:
"As it is written: I have loved Jacob but I have hated Esau."
- Romans 9:13
As true with every false teaching that exists; all of it is a result of selecting Bible Passages that only seem to validate what the false teacher desires to make things appear to be but isn't. Modern Christianity has warped the God of the Bible into more of a kindly old man, like Santa Claus and love has been made into a permit for hedonism.
" does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth..."
- 1 Corinthians 13:6
The distorted view of God and the fake love alternative; has created all sorts of false teachings. Take for example the pseudo-Christian group, Christian Universalism. They believe that hell isn't real and that everyone will go to heaven. In the end, it isn't going to be what people think or how they want them to be. Creating God in one's own image, will be to their folly.
By using one of the most basic principles of proper Biblical understanding: hermeneutics, helps to avoid many misinterpretations of Bible Passages. Hermeneutics, simply put, is to use every Bible Passage; that deals with a particular topic; so as to come to the proper conclusion of what a Verse means.
Say for example you read about a Verse concerning prayer and it says God will grant everything you pray for. If that is the only Bible Passage about prayer that exists, then that would mean just that. If there are other Verses that seem to contradict or limit that verse; then those other Passages help with the proper understanding of the Verse. When it comes to this example, the Passage that suggests God granting all prayers, is a general statement because the exceptions are found elsewhere in the Bible.
This inability to apply hermeneutics with End Times situations; is the core reason for most false teachings and ideas concerning the topic. There are lots of scenarios where it appears as though the Antichrist rules the entire world but all Passages that suggests that, are only general statements. The way this can be ascertained, Jesus says this:
"'So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place' (let the reader understand), 'then those in Judea must flee to the mountains.'"
- Matthew 24:15-16
The Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Jesus. That occurs well after the Antichrist has publicly made himself known and his kingdom has been established. The Mark of the Beast, will be in full operation; which means the mystery and secrecy surrounding all of that; would all be out in the open; over and done with.
The Bible clearly states anyone taking the Mark of the Beast, is eternally damned. That's basically a straight, going to hell (Revelation 14:10-11). What would be the point of running anywhere if you're either damned or you're in jail because you refuse to take the Mark (taking aside the point you couldn't get out)?
Applying hermeneutics, examining Jesus' statement, indicates that there are areas that aren't dominated by the Antichrist. You can consider them "safe zones" or "sanctuaries." It also stands to reason that this popular fatalistic mentality: that the Antichrist dominates the entire world; makes for easy prey.
Most people do not have the capacity, nor the fortitude that's necessary to simply drop everything and leave. Trying to do things at the last minute, will be the largest contributor of Christians being in detainment facilities.
Satan's hate for God and his people; he's going to do things to trap as many as he can, so that he can make them suffer. There's no better way to do so, then to make people believe there's no place to go, there's no place to hide.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
- Hosea 4:6
Since God is the only One that has established where these "safe zones" are; it's important, now more than ever, to know exactly where God wants you to be. As in the case of Lot, it didn't matter he was living in Sodom. God was going to destroy that city. If he had stayed, he would have suffered the same fate as the rest of them.
Most people are familiar with Sodom and Gomorrah but most people don't know that the Bible also states God destroyed the little villages that existed in the area. To see how serious this was:
Those that want to be out of harm's way and have the least amount of grief, from now until Judgment Day; seek God for direction.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be provided for you."
- Matthew 6:33
Until one knows where you need to be, I'd suggest praying for Texas. Though I'm not saying definitely that Texas is one of these sanctuaries but it seems to be the pattern, that there's a good chance it might be. One of the most recognized figures concerning the End Times, Jonathan Cahn; he's shared throughout his books and other teaching material, that America has taken the same pattern as Israel.
Israel, after the reign of King Solomon, was divided into two nations: Israel and Judea. Unlike all previous situations (with the exception of the Civil War); there's never been a time where there's been a huge move to push for Texas to secede from the Union.
Praying for Texas to be protected and blessed, as well as be current with Texas news; think of it as an investment. By doing so, you're putting forth an environment that can shelter you through the storm known as the Tribulation. Additional ways to bless Texas, until an answer is received, can be found in the link below.
The most effective way to discover where the Lord wants you and to also prepare for the End Times. Make it a regular pattern of your daily routine to check out at least one video, everyday from:
Using time in the most efficient manner is important. That's why, don't watch these videos, simply listen to them and tend to other things. The exception being for those that can't pay attention and do other activities, at the same time.
It's also good to check out prophets. God could use one of them to lead you to where you need to be but it's important to know the standards that validate the person is from God, versus a false prophet. A prophet from God will be 100% accurate. If there's any detail that's off, it means they aren't from God.
Now some of these false prophets distinguish themselves as being a "New Testament prophet." The difference they claim, is that they will make errors but the Bible never makes such distinctions. The only difference between the two: for the Old Testament, it meant the death penalty. The New Testament, it simply means to have nothing to do with them. That's the only Biblical difference.
That said, to see more material from Amanda Grace:
It's important to note that this video of her, isn't a reflection of her program. This video had gotten on my feed, as the result of my online activities. The person that had produced this video, added the various visuals to the original, including the Muslim components.
As mentioned earlier, this isn't an endorsement of Amanda Grace or her ministry. Think of this more as a might be a good prophet and the key word being MIGHT. I've only seen a small handful of videos that couldn't be written off as being a false prophet but at the same time, haven't seen anything that proves she is a prophet.
Anyone that can validate her in either classification, please do so. Let people know by putting a comment in the comments section. It's also important to keep in mind anyone can make comments. There are evil people out there, who simply hate. Cessationists, by default will say everyone with the gift of prophecy is false because they do not believe in the modern usage of the gift of prophecy.
Regardless if a person is a continuationists or cessationists; everyone needs to also take the position of any one that claims to be a prophet; wait and see evidence. Any continuationists that wish to share prophets they know are reliable, please share.
All those that see such comments, unless it's provable; always wait and see. Do not go merely on the word of someone posting their person. Also pray that God reveals to you if this person or that; is a genuine prophet, it's a vital element that cannot be neglected.
Additional material to consider:
Ministries to avoid, false prophets:
Post Scriptum: In the "Supplemental Material" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.
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