The Science of Mediumship with guest Chris Connelly .The Paranormal Peep Show Nov 2023 #mediumship

1 year ago

#ghosts #mediums #psychics The Science of Mediumship with guest Chris Connelly.The Paranormal Peep Show Nov 2023.
By day, Chris Connelly works in the UK Space Industry and by night, he becomes a Parachyhologist . Parapsychology is the scholarly study of ‘psi’ (or ‘psychic’) experiences, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition. Chris has an interest in the field of mediumship and post-mortem survival of consciousness.

Mediumship is the ability of an individual to communicate with deceased personalities, providing evidence suggesting survival following physical death. As well as being a medium himself, Chris is now researching the cognitive processes involved in alleged mediumistic communication.

He talks to The Paranormal Peep Show to discuss this fascinating field of research, and hosts Neil and Andy also contribute some of their own experiences with ghosts, spirit guides and question if Jesus did really die on the Cross.
You can see Chris talking more about his research in his talk at the Glastobury Symposium

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