Tafseer in Urdu Surah Al-baqarah | Verses 141-147 | تفسیر و فضائل سورہ ٱلْبَقَرَة (آیات 141-147)

1 year ago

@islamichistory813 #quran #surahalbaqarah #tafseerinurdu #commentary #english #urdu

Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will talk about..Commentary and Virtues of Surah Al-baqara verses 141-147

(2:141) Now, they were a people who passed away. Theirs is what they earned, and yours is what you earn; you shall not be questioned concerning what they did.

(2:142) The block-headed will say: “What has turned them away from the direction they formerly observed in Prayer?”[142] Say: “To Allah belong the East and the West; He guides whomsoever He wills onto a Straight Way.”[143]

142. After his migration to Madina the Prophet continued to pray in the direction of Jerusalem for between sixteen and seventeen months. Subsequently, he received the order to pray in the direction of the Ka’bah. See (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 144).

143. This is the first answer to the objections of these ignorant people. Their narrow minds and limited vision led them to undue attachment to such formalities as the direction and locale of Prayer. They presumably conceived God to be confined to a particular direction. In reply to their absurd objection the first thing which was explained was that all directions belong to God. Fixing any particular direction for Prayer does not mean that God is confined to that direction. All those who have been favoured with God’s true guidance rise above such limitations of outlook so that it is easy for them to grasp the universal verities of religion. See also (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 115) note 115, 116.

(2:143) And it is thus that We appointed you to be the community of the middle way so that you might be witnesses to all mankind and the Messenger might be a witness to you.[144]

We appointed the direction which you formerly observed so that We might distinguish those who follow the Messenger from those who turn on their heels.[145] For it was indeed burdensome except for those whom Allah guided. And Allah will never leave your faith to waste. Allah is full of gentleness and mercy to mankind.

144. This constitutes the proclamation appointing the religious community (ummah) consisting of the followers of Muhammad to religious guidance and leadership of the world.

And it is thus’, which precedes this proclamation, contains two allusions. It alludes, in the first place, to that Divine Guidance which enabled the followers of Muhammad to know the Straight Way so that they could attain progress to the point of being proclaimed ‘the community of the middle way’ (or ‘the mid-most community’ or ‘the community justly balanced’ – Ed.) In the second place there is an allusion to the change in the direction of Prayer from Jerusalem to the Ka’bah. People of limited intelligence could see no significance in this change of direction although the substitution of Jerusalem by the Ka’bah amounted to the removal of the Children of Israel from their position of world leadership and their replacement by the ummah of Muhammad (peace be on him).

(2:144) We see you oft turning your face towards the sky; now We are turning you to the direction that will satisfy you. Turn your face towards the Holy Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it in Prayer.[146]

Those who have been granted the Scripture certainly know that this (injunction to change the direction of Prayer) is right and is from their Lord. Allah is not heedless of what they do.

Allah Hafiz

#islamic historyinurdu

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