The Undefeated Corn Stalk Army of Lewe’s Delaware: A True Story from the War of 1812

10 months ago

There are times when people are faced with very difficult problems. And the way they choose to deal with their challenges provide lessons for us to learn from.

In this true story, you’ll learn a laudable lesson from our history from a lesser-known moment during the War of 1812.

The people of the Town of (lue-uhs), spelled Lewes, Delaware, found themselves in quite a pickle. It was April 6th, 1813. A sizeable British flotilla arrived off the coast. They dropped anchor and fired 2 shots over the town – Just to get everyone’s attention.

Shortly after their demonstration of firepower, one of the ships launched a skiff. And, under a white flag, several British officers came ashore – to - talk. They had a message from Commodore James Beresford, the commanding officer of the flotilla. His pronouncement was pretty simple and succinct. “We will blast your town to pieces and kill everyone in it, unless you provide us with supplies”.

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