LAX False Flag: Nick Pugh "Eyewitness" Released -NO ID, NO Ticket, Running Away Alone - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Nov 2, 2013
by The Paulstal Service

"This story is almost too hard to believe- Nick Pugh claims that he was running away from the scene alone shortly after the shooting- He's running alone on the Tarmac and is grabbed and handcuffed- He was let go within 10 minutes allegedly.

They let a man who is running alone away from the shooting that has yet to be solved go- a man who has NO ID or TICKET on his person? and is all alone running away from the scene of the crime? Are you frickin' KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! THIS IS A JOKE!

Nick is a lead Concept Artist for visual effects studio Rhythm and Hues, where he creates original character, vehicle, FX and prop designs for feature films, commercials and print. Recent film credits include The Ring 2, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Garfield and Serenity. Nick has also worked on the remake of Alice in Wonderland."

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