Angry White Male, by Wayne Allyn Root. A Puke (TM) Audiobook

1 year ago

“It’s so clear what’s happening in America. If you can’t see it, you’re either blind or you are part of the problem.”
Wayne Allyn Root.
Reformatted for Machine Text, 2023.

Author’s Note.
I dare you. I double dare you. Because of the provocative title, and my high-profile conservative credentials, I’m certain vicious and biased liberal “hit men and women” will try to spin this book as “racist.” It’s not. I dare you to find a racist word in this book. You won’t. This book doesn’t attack any racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual orientation group. What it does is defend a group that is being targeted, attacked, intimidated and persecuted, the great American middle class. I titled it Angry White Male because the current American middle class happens to be predominantly white. I am an angry white male defending it. But I’m also defending the millions of middle-class women and religious and ethnic minorities who are also part of America’s middle class. I guess Obama, Hillary, and liberals just consider them expendable, “collateral damage.” This book points out the reverse racism and hypocrisy aimed at America’s middle class. We are under attack. We are marked for extinction. We are the victims of racism. It’s time to stand up in self-defense.
Additional note: Any product or endorsement I make in this book is for companies and products that I use and believe in, the sponsors of my radio show.

Foreword by Roger Stone.
Wayne Allyn Root has written “The Handbook of the Trump Revolution.”
Wayne Allyn Root is an acquired taste. Brash, combative, outspoken, and self-created American businessman, politician, television and radio personality, author, television producer, and political pundit, he is an unabashed advocate for smaller government and American sovereignty. Wayne, who often signs his emails with his initials “WAR,” is probably the most famous celebrity you’ve never heard of (until now). In fact, Wayne has a large body of bestselling books, hit television shows, and reverberating political commentary to his credit.
Let’s just say Wayne Allyn Root is a man who understands the odds. Root’s media career began in New York City on WNBC radio (now WFAN) in the early 1980s. He moved onto NBC’s The Source radio network, syndicated around the country in over one hundred markets, as a sports talk host.
A free market advocate, Root is a shrewd analyst of market trends, Wall Street, and Vegas gambling odds, a rare combination. This has allowed the optimistic and gregarious conservative to make and lose many fortunes. Wayne is a man who knows how to hustle and knows how to make a buck. That the Obama IRS targeted Wayne for his outspoken opposition to our current president is undeniable. The prolific author and political commentator has undergone vigorous audits and harassments by the Internal Revenue Service yet the stalwart Root has refused to buckle under to the obvious political pressure. Like Donald Trump, Wayne is relentless and unstoppable.
Deeply tanned with a wide smile and perfect gleaming white teeth, and always perfectly coiffed, Wayne Allyn Root gives off the air of a Hollywood movie star, or a TV newsman, but he is neither. Dogged in his advocacy for economic growth and opportunity and smaller, less intrusive government, Wayne has gladly taken the slings and arrows of the liberal elite who seek to mock him because they cannot rebut his ideas.
There is something about Wayne that is perfectly American. Perhaps it’s his sunny optimism, or his steadfast belief in the bedrock principles of this country.
In 2008, disgusted with the free spending and Wall Street bailouts by establishment Republicans, Wayne bolted the party of Lincoln to launch his candidacy for the Libertarian party nomination for president. The ever-ebullient Root would have been a much stronger candidate than former Congressman Barr, Barr posed as a libertarian just long enough to grab that party’s presidential nomination, although he was required to take Root as his vice presidential running mate in order to garner the delegate votes necessary for nomination. The better man was on the lower half of the ticket.
Undaunted, Root has continued to pummel Obama over his job-killing economic policies, disastrous foreign policies, and the mountain of debts in borrowing that his administration is bequeathing us.
The unflappable Root has now reinvented himself yet again. He was one of the first figures in America to see the potential for the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump, and has been a constant presence on cable television and talk radio, defending the New York billionaire and his controversial platform on cutting taxes, regulations, and the size of government; repealing Obamacare; securing the border; reforming trade policies to save the American middle class; and rebuilding America’s military strength.
Even worse for the Democrats, Wayne has emerged as one of the most effective critics of Hillary Clinton and her entire record of incompetence, corruption, and lies. Root’s skewering of the former first couple has been relentless and effective. That could be why he has come under constant attack by liberal cable television icons like Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow, and Bill Maher.
Always controversial and never willing to be quiet in the face of wrong-headed government policies, anything Wayne Allyn Root writes is worth reading. In fact, Wayne has an annoying habit of being ahead of the curve in gauging the public’s disgust with the failed policies of the two-party duopoly and the neo-cons who have driven us to endless wars, while bankrupting the nation.
Wayne was among the first to recognize the inherent danger of radical Islam, as well as the unchecked flood of illegal immigrants who are sucking dry the American system, while perpetrating a crime wave against the American people. Wayne calls it as he sees it, unvarnished, blunt, and plainspoken. Another Trump-like attribute.
Now in Angry White Male, Root provides a manifesto for Donald Trump’s silent majority, and outlines how immigrants and non-Americans flood here by the millions to sign up for America’s generous taxpayer-financed welfare state.
Wayne is the quintessential “Angry White Male.”
Roger Stone,
New York City,
June 2016.

Bill Maher and the Apology.
In the middle of writing this book Bill Maher asked me to be the “sacrificial conservative guest” on his HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. On the show I was asked about Obama’s visit to Japan. I was asked if Obama should have visited Hiroshima, the site of our nuclear attacks that ended World War II. I was asked, “Was it appropriate for Obama to visit?”
This gets to the very core of this book, to the core of why I’m an “Angry White Male.” As I said to host Bill Maher on the show, I’m not a fan of apologies, especially if you’re apologizing for responding to something terrible the other guy did. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. They started the war; we merely ended it. They committed terrible atrocities against our soldiers and American POWs throughout the war.
My father, David Root, served in the South Pacific. He fought at Okinawa, the bloodiest battle of World War II. He saw firsthand the atrocities of the Japanese.
Our nuclear bombs didn’t just take lives, they saved lives. Ironically, probably more Japanese than American lives. Experts estimated the invasion of Japan would have cost at least one million lives. One of them might have been my father’s.
So my answer to Bill Maher was that I’m not a fan of even the appearance of apologizing for those atomic bombs, unless of course Japan’s prime minister is willing to come to Hawaii to apologize to the American victims of Pearl Harbor.
I pointed out that that is a negotiation that only a President Donald Trump could win.
But I found the response from Bill Maher’s liberal viewers interesting. I received death threats, and people wishing me a “long slow painful death.” Some lectured me on all the apologies we owe to Japanese survivors, American Indians, and, of course, African American slaves.
I suddenly realized it’s time for Obama’s victims, middle-class America (which is predominantly white), to speak up. Here is my answer to liberals across the country.
You’re 100 percent right, apologies are sometimes necessary.
Obama and his socialist cabal should apologize to every middle-class American for the harm they’ve done to the US economy, upward mobility, middle-class jobs, there are none, and the American Dream, it’s dead.
They’ve created an unimaginable DISASTER. They’ve destroyed the greatest nation, greatest economy, greatest economic system, capitalism, and greatest middle class in world history.
We are living in an Obama Great Depression.
Obama should also apologize for adding well over $10 trillion to the national debt (by the time he leaves office), which could lead to a severe debt crisis and the eventual collapse of the US economy, but at a minimum will certainly cripple the quality of life for our children and grandchildren.
Obama should also apologize for the lies and fraud of Obamacare. He lied when he said, “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.” Really? I lost mine. So did millions of other Americans. We are owed an apology.
Obama should also apologize for the disastrous effects of Obamacare, which has doubled and tripled premiums, copays, deductibles, and prescription costs; killed quality high-wage middle-class jobs; and made it almost impossible to start or run a successful small business.
But in the case of Obamacare, apologies alone won’t do. The architects of Obamacare are owed a prison sentence for committing the biggest fraud in American history.
Obama should apologize for the vicious IRS attacks, trying to persecute people for their political and religious beliefs. Or didn’t you know the IRS was ordered to go after conservative, Tea Party, Christian, and pro-Israel groups? I was one of the victims. Where’s my apology?
Obama should apologize for cutting $2.6 billion for veterans, while adding $4.5 billion to the budget for the importing of Syrian migrants into the United States. Every veteran in America is owed an apology.
Obama should apologize for demanding in his last budget as president that Congress allocate almost $18,000 for every illegal alien child or teen that enters America. That’s $3,000 more than an American-born senior citizen gets for Social Security, even though they paid into the system. Every American-born senior citizen is owed an apology.
Obama should apologize for the disastrous economy he has created with his radical leftist agenda.
Obama and his buddies in the Democratic Party should apologize for what they’ve done to Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, New Orleans, and every other urban city run 100 percent by Democrats for the past fifty-plus years that are now all bankrupt, choked by debt, dominated by abandoned homes, shrinking population, streetlights out, violent crime, murder, and hopelessness. They’ve been under 100 percent Democratic rule. What’s the excuse?
Obama should apologize for demoralizing every business owner in America by saying, “You didn’t build that.”
And Hillary should apologize for saying “Businesses don’t create jobs, government does.”
As soon as Obama, Hillary, their socialist cabal, and every guilt-ridden white liberal apologizes for all that.
Then and only then should we worry about things done seventy, one hundred, and two hundred years ago. I wasn’t there for any of the things liberals want us to apologize for. Since I bear no responsibility, I don’t see what I have to apologize for.
But Obama, Hillary, and their liberal friends should apologize for what they just did to the great American middle class. That group is predominantly white, but there are many millions of other Americans of all races caught up in the attack. I guess they are just considered the victims of unintended consequences.
They should also apologize to every small businessman and woman in America. Every business I personally own and every friend I have who owns a small business is in trouble, struggling to overcome the burdens of business under Obama: dramatically increased taxes, regulations, energy costs (because of the fraud of “green energy”), health care costs, legal bills, and IRS attacks. The liberal policies of Obama’s administration have damaged and demoralized every small business owner and job creator in this country.
There are twenty-eight million small business owners in America. Over 85 percent happen to be owned by non-Hispanic white Americans, according to CNBC.
Hence the reason there are so many angry white males. But that still means millions of small business owners are women, black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American. They have every right to be angry, too.
Where is our apology?
Obama, Hillary, Bernie, their socialist cabal, and the guilt-ridden white elite liberals ruining this great country called America are not about to apologize. As a matter of fact, they have no intention of resting until America is no longer exceptional, the American Dream is dead, and we, the middle class (but not them), are leading crappy lives of equality (meaning, shared misery).
Why won’t they apologize? Because this destruction of America is not happening due to ignorance or ineptitude. Instead, it is part of a conscious, coordinated plan to destroy this country. You probably didn’t know that this plan to “bring down America” is actually taught in our ultra-liberal universities. Obama learned it at Columbia. How do I know? I was Obama’s college classmate, I learned the plan as well, and in this book I’ll expose it to all of you.
I’m an angry white male. This is my story.

Part One.
I’m an Angry White Male.

I Am an S O B.
Every author, no matter how fair and impartial he might try to be, comes with his own life experiences and point of view. So before we get into the meat of this book, let me give you a little background on me.
I am the perfect Angry White Male because I was born into the perfect, and classic, white middle-class life. I can’t speak to the black experience, or Hispanic experience, or any other kind of experience. Because I was born white. This book is my story and my experience. It isn’t better or inferior to anyone else’s. But it’s mine.
I am an S O B, son of a butcher. I’m also a G O B, grandson of a butcher. My father and grandfather were special people. They represented the greatness of America, the salt-of-the-earth drive, ambition, morality, patriotism, work ethic, faith in God, and love of family and country.
They both aimed for the American Dream. My grandfather found it. He turned his four-man butcher store into a big success. My father struggled, his two-man butcher store achieved only mediocre success. Yet my dad was happy, loved America, and believed he had achieved his version of the American Dream. Despite never making any serious money, my dad fulfilled the only real dream he had: to be his own boss.
The important point here is that they both had a shot, and that’s what makes America great. In America, anyone can become an owner, of their own home, business, life. It may not be pretty. It may not be perfect. But it’s yours. Owning a business, even a small one, is a little piece of heaven. And what has made America great for centuries was that through hard work, ambition, tenacity, and personal responsibility, anyone could build what my father and grandfather did. Sorry Obama, but “we DID build it.”
A small businessman in my father’s and grandfather’s day was no Kennedy or Rockefeller or J P Morgan, no mogul, no billionaire. But he or she could move up in class, be their own boss, and stake a claim to a better life and a better future for their kids. My grandparents and parents could pay their bills, buy a new car every four years, go on annual vacations, pay for their children’s college, and live a great middle-class life. You didn’t need to be a millionaire or billionaire to live a great life in the old America.
My grandfather and father both did well, to varying degrees. They both died satisfied. They both believed their kids and grandkids would do better than they did. They knew America was exceptional. They knew firsthand the American Dream was real. They knew firsthand the streets were paved with gold.
Here’s the crucial question: why would anyone want to purposely aim to “fundamentally change” that?
Obama admitted publicly that was his goal. And little by little, that life enjoyed by my father and grandfather is gone. Today, owning a small business is a struggle. Paying the bills is a struggle. Paying the legal bills is a struggle. Paying the taxes is a struggle. Paying the landlord is a struggle. Filling out the IRS tax returns is a struggle.
The cost of regulations makes it almost impossible to start a business or keep a business running. Between high income taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, workers’ compensation bills, legal bills, energy bills, skyrocketing health care bills, incorporation fees, minimum wage laws for employees, the threat of lawsuits, IRS audits, government regulations, it never ends, and nowadays it rarely ends well.
Later in this book you’ll hear the statistics about the dramatic decline of small business and the death of business start-ups (the lifeblood of middle-class job creation). What I’m talking about isn’t an opinion. What’s happening is a fact.
Today, anyone who starts or owns a business is targeted, persecuted, and marked for extinction by both Democrats looking to tax, spend, and redistribute us to death; and Republicans looking to keep us “small” and struggling to give the advantage to their big business donors. We get creamed by both sides and on both ends. The hits just keep on coming!
If anyone would know, it’s me. I am a small businessman. Except for an eighteen-month period when I was a national television anchorman, I’ve never worked for anyone in my life. I’ve always been a small business owner, independent contractor, and “One-Man Army.”
I’ve never taken a check from the government in my life. I’ve never worked for the government. I’ve never done business with the government. I’ve never had a “safe” weekly paycheck from a big corporation. I’ve never had a pension. No company has paid my health insurance. My income has always been based on performance, meaning, commission. I am the “Last of the Mohicans.” I’m capitalism squared. I’m the American Dream on steroids. I’m Willie Loman (from Death of a Salesman) come to real life and updated for 2016. I don’t depend on anyone but me. I eat what I kill. I’m a real-life Renaissance man. Sadly, there aren’t too many like me left anymore.
But that’s not a mistake or coincidence. It’s a purposeful plan. Small businessmen, performance-based and commission-based salesmen, and independent contractors are being systematically driven to extinction.
While the GOP is no friend of mine and rarely does anything to help me succeed, the Democrats are my sworn enemy. They are out to destroy me. Could it be a coincidence that everything Obama believes in, everything he’s done, every goal, every policy, is aimed directly at me and Americans just like me?
He’s raised my income taxes.
He’s raised my payroll taxes.
He’s raised my Obamacare taxes.
He’s raised my capital gains taxes.
He’s dramatically raised taxes on dividends and bank interest.
He’s limited my tax deductions.
He’s limited my exemptions.
He’s phased out my child credits.
He’s ruined the quality of my health care and dramatically raised my insurance premiums.
He’s added draconian regulations.
He’s dramatically raised my legal and accounting bills because of the new complicated taxes and regulations.
He’s dramatically raised my energy bills with his climate change and green energy obsession. To educate those who are ignorant or delusional, fossil fuels are dirt cheap. “Alternative energy” is sky high. Pretty simple stuff.
He’s tried to hurt the tax advantages of Subchapter S companies.
He’s tried to eliminate or drastically restrict the use of independent contractor status (ask Uber).
He’s made life almost impossible with rampant use of tax liens by the IRS. Once the IRS places a lien on you or your business, your credit is ruined, all funding from lenders dries up, and you are effectively prevented from earning a living.
He’s hit small business with Obamacare rules, overtime rules, and minimum wage raises.
He wants to eliminate the cap on FICA (Social Security taxes). I could not survive that one.
He wants to eliminate my lifesaving deductions for business expenses, mortgage deduction, and charitable donations. I could not survive that either.
He’s passed laws making it almost impossible to choose to leave America and do business or banking overseas.
He wants to pass TPP, which would kill middle-class jobs by the millions and place all of us under foreign laws.
He’s aimed IRS tax audits at small business.
He’s passed new laws allowing the IRS to seize your passport if you owe $50,000 or more, so you are no longer free to leave the country. How scary is that? Any successful small businessman could easily ring up a $50,000 tax bill after only sixty days of being late for payroll taxes. We’re all in grave danger. Think about this: without a passport you can no longer take a business trip overseas. So the IRS has taken away your right to earn a living.
He’s passed laws that make it all but impossible for small business owners to set aside money for retirement.
He’s handed over the country to lawyers and class action lawsuits.
He’s passed Dodd-Frank regulations that make it almost impossible to raise money anymore for a small business.
He’s passed draconian banking laws that make it impossible for small business owners like me to ever qualify for a mortgage on an expensive home. So I can never again qualify to own the very home I live in right now.
He’s made the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) king and tyrant ruler of America, imposing draconian regulations and fines on small businesses, farmers, ranchers, landowners, and anyone with a puddle on their property.
Of course, this same out-of-control EPA has put coal out of business, and with it, hundreds of thousands of high-paying middle-class jobs.
He even tried to badly hurt businesses by attempting to ban us from using criminal background checks on potential employees. Can you imagine flying blind when you interview murderers, rapists, and financial scammers for a job? Then if you hire them to interact with your customers and something goes wrong, you get sued. That should be good for your business!
And get this one: Obama tried to impose 442 different taxes that were never passed by the Republican Congress, or all of us would already be out of business.
What a list.
What a madman. How much worse could it get if we had a pure communist tyrant out of the old Soviet Union in charge? It’s like a personal attack directed straight at my life by the Obama administration. And there’s a new attack every day. Literally.
Is anything I do not under attack? There is no point even trying to debate: Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and their socialist cabal clearly want to wipe small business owners, landowners, property owners, farmers, ranchers, any and all salesmen, and independent contractors off the face of the earth.
And all of those groups just happen to include about twenty-eight million Americans just like me, predominantly white, small business owners or independent contractors. CNBC estimates this group is 85 percent white. Most of us vote Republican and are supportive of conservative policies, candidates, and causes. Most of us are homeowners. Most of us are high-income earners. Most of us are churchgoers. Most of us are married with children. Every bill, policy, and tax I listed above is aimed to cripple us.
So this is clearly no coincidence. It’s crystal clear. Our way of life is under attack. Obama and his socialist cabal hate us for our work ethic, success, and ownership. They want to take it all away, punish us, and redistribute our income and assets. They want us to live in misery. They want us to be serfs: dependent on only big government and big business for our survival. They want us poor, broke, helpless, and hopeless, with nowhere else to turn. So they need to slowly bankrupt us and dry up our money.
That is the life Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and their socialist cabal are trying to kill in the name of guilt, equality, fairness, social justice, and, of course, revenge and reparations.
But, again, let me stress that the GOP establishment is not much better. They fight for their biggest donors only. The rest of us don’t matter because we have no lobbyists, or DC law firms, or million-dollar checks for the politicians.
The middle class made America great, not the other way around. It wasn’t the rich elites, academics, politicians, or bureaucrats. Small business was (and still is) the economic engine of the greatest economy in world history. Capitalism, social mobility, and the economic and individual freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution have lifted more people out of poverty than all other political systems in world history combined. They are the very foundation of the American Dream. The middle class is quite simply the class that produces almost everything.
Today, the middle class is being targeted, persecuted, and systematically wiped out. I, and millions of others like me, are angry about it. Hence the title of this book, Angry White Male.
This group isn’t the super wealthy “1 percent.” But they are the “top 10 percent,” who pay over 70 percent of the taxes in America.
And they are the “top 20 percent,” who pay 92.9 percent of the taxes.
And they certainly are the “top 40 percent,” who pay 106 percent of the taxes. Yes, the correct figure is 106 percent.
Like I said, we pay just about everything (and then some).
The middle class and small business owners built America with our blood, sweat, and tears. Our ambition, sacrifice, and courage to risk our own money in pursuit of the American Dream provides virtually all the trillions of dollars in taxes. Without us, the taxes we pay, and the jobs we create, there is no government. We pay for the government agencies, programs, and bureaucrats. We pay for the public works projects, highways, schools, hospitals, and airports. We pay for the welfare state.
Yes, Mister Obama, we did build it.
Big government politicians like Obama should be praising and celebrating us, not denigrating us. Politicians and government bureaucrats survive and prosper because of us, not the other way around.
My vision as a conservative and capitalist has always been to provide opportunity and lift everyone up regardless of race, sex, or social status. My vision of equality is everyone doing well, independent of government. The leftist’s vision of equality is to make everyone equally miserable, poor, hopeless, helpless, and dependent on government. By destroying the middle class, power and control is centralized in the hands of the elite, privileged, political class and the super wealthy who fund them.
By the way, this is how most societies have functioned throughout history. Think about the dark days of kings, aristocracy, and serfs. Think Downton Abbey. Think Braveheart.
What’s standing in the way of an elitist, aristocratic, serf society is an independent middle class that doesn’t need or want government’s help. For the progressive elites, that’s a big problem. The middle class gets in the way of big government’s control. That’s why liberals believe the middle class must be eliminated and along with it the capitalist economy that fosters independence, rewards ambition and personal responsibility, and provides upward mobility to achieve the American Dream.
So you see, it isn’t about black or white. It’s about a leftist vision of tearing people down, instead of lifting them up. Never forget: the tools being used are social justice, guilt, revenge, reparations, and redistribution, versus empowerment and personal responsibility. And, of course, an open border that allows in millions of foreigners who have no understanding of, or love for, capitalism or economic freedom. They’re interested only in survival. And they demand high taxes on the middle class to pay for their survival.
America itself is central to this plan. America is the beacon, the shining light on the hill. America is the proof for millions of “serfs” trapped under the rule of tyrants the world over that freedom exists, that the individual can triumph. America gives hope to the masses that one day they can be free, happy, and wealthy.
Therefore, in the eyes of these leftist tyrants, the ideals of America must be stamped out. Ironically, guilty white liberals chose a black American to do the dirty deed. They were smart. They knew that because of guilt and a fear of being called “racist,” white America would allow Obama to do things no white liberal could ever get away with. It’s truly ironic that the man whose slogan was “HOPE” is well on his way to snuffing out the very last hope for mankind.
What has been done to the predominantly white middle class in the past eight years is unimaginable and mind-numbing. You need to face the truth before you can act on it. Taking action is the only way to reverse fear and desperation. Complaining doesn’t help. Only taking action will set you free.
That action starts with putting a plan in place to protect yourself and save our nation. The great news is this book will present that plan and provide you with options.
I hope you’re now starting to understand why I believe we have every right to be Angry White Males. Our livelihoods are being taken away. Our freedom and future as productive members of society hangs in the balance.

Angry White Male.
The definition of a racist: “Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.”
In many ways, Angry White Male is an autobiography. This book is my story, my testimony to being an angry white male. The things I believe in are under attack: God, country, American exceptionalism, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values, and the great American middle class.
As I’ve noted previously, this book is not an indictment of or attack on anyone who is not a white male. This book is simply making the case for self-defense of the great American middle class, which Pew Research has shown to be predominantly white. Pew broke the middle class up into four distinct groups basically representing upper middle class, middle class, working middle class, and the anxious, struggling, trying-to-hang-on class. Pew reports the first group is 79 percent white, the second group is 75 percent white, the third group is 73 percent white, and the fourth group is 56 percent white.
My defense of the middle class is not only that of white Americans. It is also the defense of millions of ethnic minorities who have sacrificed and worked hard to achieve the American Dream of being part of the middle class. They are also under attack, and I am defending them, too.
This book takes a detailed look at what’s happening to an entire group of good people: law-abiding, tax-paying, hardworking middle-class citizens, most of whom happen to be white. We’re being targeted, intimidated, persecuted, demonized, silenced, financially brutalized, annihilated, literally wiped off the map.
Let’s look closer at why the “progressive” political, media, and big business elites have targeted the American middle class for extinction.
First, it’s happening to self-medicate wealthy white liberals who feel guilt, embarrassment, and self-hatred about the power, money, and connections they inherited. It’s open season on middle-class white males so these spoiled brat, lucky sperm club, white liberals can feel better about themselves.
Second, it’s happening in the name of a mental illness called liberalism, whose adherents believe they are the intellectual elite who know what is best for the masses. And to control the masses they must make them all dependent on government, run by the elite, to survive. As I’ll show throughout the book, in order to achieve that goal, guilty white liberals have to destroy the middle class. They know that can only be done by destroying America’s foundations of God, country, patriotism, capitalism, American exceptionalism, individual responsibility, economic mobility, and the very existence of the American Dream.
Third, it’s happening because bankers, Wall Street, and the very wealthy are more comfortable with us as dependent serfs than as potential upwardly mobile middle-class competitors. They don’t care about white or black. They only care about the color green, money. They are greedy. They want the whole ball of wax. They want all the chips on the table. They don’t like true capitalism. They favor crony capitalism. They want open borders, not because they care about bringing foreigners into America in order to elect Democrats. They just want cheap labor so they can get richer.
They want government contracts, government investments, and tons of quantitative easing (QE, Federal Reserve money printing). Because it all goes to them.
They also like government regulations and high taxes. Why? Because the more regulations, the better it is for them. They have armies of lawyers, accountants, lobbyists, and compliance officers. They can afford to navigate the thousands of pages of onerous regulations.
They don’t care about high taxes. They have tax lawyers and tax shelters. All these rules, regulations, and taxes kill the little guy, the middle class, small business. This kills the competition. These big boys don’t want any of us to be able to compete with them. They want a society that favors giant multinational companies and puts little guys out of business. Look around, it’s happening every day. Small stores struggle to compete with Wal-Mart; small restaurants struggle to compete with national chains; small hardware or food stores struggle to compete with big box stores. And every new government tax or regulation makes the struggle just that much harder and more unfair.
Clearly, liberals and big business crony capitalists can never be honest about their goals. If so, we would kick them out of power. Instead, they look us in the eye and lie, saying the actions they are taking to destroy the middle class are only about achieving equality, fairness, and “social justice.”
Are you starting to get the picture? We’re screwed. We’re the target. The super wealthy and politically connected elites are against us. They’re all looking out for their own selfish interests. And we, the predominantly white middle class, are not in their best interests. So we’re being targeted. Their laser gun sights are aimed right at us.
So you’re damn right I’m angry. And every one of you, regardless of ethnic background, has every right to be angry. This may be my personal angry white male story, but it also belongs to tens of millions of angry middle-class Americans of all ethnic backgrounds.
We didn’t attack first; we’re responding in self-defense. Our backs have been put against the wall, and we have no choice but to stand up for ourselves and our children before we are legislated out of existence, penniless, powerless, and, of course, afraid to speak for fear of being shouted down and immediately labeled “racist.”

The very definition of an angry white male is someone willing to state the truth no matter how politically incorrect. Even more specifically, it is someone willing to state the politically incorrect truth about our nation’s first black president. The truth is, he SUCKS. He’s horrible. He’s terrible. He is the God-awful worst. None of that has anything whatsoever to do with the color of his skin. It has to do with only one thing: facts.
Despite eight long years of lies and propaganda from government and the mainstream media, it’s time to call Obama exactly what he is:
The problem is that there are two Americas. Obama’s America is filled with poor people, illegal aliens, and people addicted to welfare, food stamps, Obamacare, and hundreds of other government programs. Oh, and let’s not forget all the academicians and people who work for the government.
Obama’s voters have no part in the private sector (where all the jobs and tax monies come from). Their lives are tied to government checks and government payrolls. They have their hands perpetually out. Obama’s voters sign the back of checks.
Obama’s voters think the economy looks peachy keen. Nothing has changed. As long as their government checks keep on coming, they don’t notice anything wrong with the economy. And why should they? For them, everything is fine. It’s easy to live in denial when you’re living on OPM (other people’s money).
But for the rest of America, aka middle-class America and small business owners, it’s a very different story. For Americans who sign the front of checks and spend their lives paying taxes into the system, America is a mess, the economy is a disaster, there are no jobs. For that group, the conclusion is pretty simple and straightforward: #OBAMAWORSTPRESIDENTEVER.
These two groups come from different worlds. Some might say different planets. You might even say “Republicans are from Mars, and Democrats are from UrANUS.”
As if on cue, to prove my point, the latest job report came out while I was writing this book. Under Obama, I’m used to “good jobs reports” that show 200,000 crappy part-time low-wage jobs being created in any given month. Those same “good reports” forget to mention that the 200,000 new crappy part-time jobs are mitigated by 300,000 Americans giving up and dropping out of the workforce that month. The unemployment rate keeps dropping not because Americans are getting jobs but because they have given up looking for work anymore.
And the reason we’ve had some “job growth” under Obama is because Obamacare has created a dysfunctional economy where three part-time jobs are needed for a middle-class family to make less than one good job used to pay. So those 200,000 jobs per month being reported are total B.S. Everyone needs three jobs to just live a miserable life.
But the jobs report that came out in June 2016 was far worse. It is so bad that the Obama frauds can’t even cover it up with fake stats. Things are so bad, even the cover-up is no longer possible. The jig is up!
The results announced in June were pure DISASTER.
Experts predicted 160,000 new jobs for May 2016. The actual total: 38,000. The “whisper (best case scenario) number” had been 200,000 new jobs. Instead, the number was far closer to zero than either 160,000 or 200,000. It was the worst jobs number since September 2010.
But it was worse than it looked because the Labor Department also revised downward the previous two months’ jobs reports by 59,000 less jobs.
Even worse, the number of working-age Americans not working went up to a modern record of 94.7 million. Why? Because a mass exodus of 664,000 workers gave up trying to find a job and left the job market in one month (May).
Six hundred sixty-four thousand is the population of Washington, DC. The equivalent of the entire population of Washington, DC, just left the US workforce in one month!
Instead of working and contributing to the economy by paying taxes, where are these people going? To welfare, food stamps, disability, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and free Obamacare. Most of them will never work again because it just isn’t worth it anymore. A family is better off on welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, and free Obamacare. Don’t forget the free Obama phones. If the same family were working, they might make less money and owe taxes and have to pay for their own health care. It pays better to live off government.
And who gets the bill for these millions of Americans who will never work again, forever trapped in poverty and government dependency? The American middle class. We’re screwed.
It’s important to note this is happening at the same time gross domestic product (GDP) is close to zero. Zero economic growth, of course, is why there are zero new jobs. Sounds like an “Obama Great Depression” to me. And if these numbers don’t constitute a Great Depression, I’m afraid to ask, “What does?”
Keep in mind that, even with good jobs reports under Obama, it’s been all part-time, low-wage jobs. I call it “the Obama Illegal Immigrant Economy.” The only jobs are mowing lawns, cleaning toilets, or washing dishes.
Don’t believe me? Then how do you explain that of the one million net jobs gained by women since 2007, the entire net gain went to “foreigners.” That statistic is provided by Obama’s own Labor Department.
Foreigners (people not born in the United States) had the entire net gain. Among native-born American women there was a net loss of 143,000 jobs during that period. The Obama economy is in free fall.
But wait, the news gets worse. Layoffs are up 24 percent in 2016 versus 2015. Rail traffic is down fourteen months in a row. Shipping traffic is down. Retail sales are down. Manufacturing is down. Unsold inventories are piling up. Commercial bankruptcies are soaring.
So without further ado, here are the facts of the Obama economy. These facts prove three things beyond a shadow of a doubt:
1. The US economy under Obama is in terrible decline, crisis, and on the verge of collapse.
2. The American middle class, which happens to be predominantly white, has been slaughtered by the liberal policies of Obama.
Look at the nine charts on, my favorite economic website.
Student loan debt, dramatically up.
Food stamp use, dramatically up.
Federal debt, dramatically up; by the time Obama leaves office, up more than all other presidents in history COMBINED.
Federal Reserve money printing, dramatically up, to keep the economy artificially afloat.
Health insurance costs, dramatically up (and going much higher).
Labor force participation rate, down dramatically.
Workers’ share of economy, down dramatically.
Median family income, down dramatically.
Homeownership, down dramatically.
The Obama Economy Is in Free Fall.
Here is a powerful list of shocking, damning, specific facts about the Obama economy:
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the only real determinant of economic growth. Barack Obama is the only president in the history of America to preside over seven straight years of GDP growth under 3 percent.
The year 2016 is off to a pace that virtually guarantees this will be the eighth straight year with GDP under 3 percent. If so, Obama will become the only president in America’s history to never produce a single year of 3 percent or higher GDP.
The longest previous streak of under 3 percent GDP in the history of America was four years (1930 to 1933) during the depths of the Great Depression.
From 1790 to 2000, America’s economy averaged GDP growth of 3.79 percent. Obama’s eight years are on pace to average GDP of 1.55 percent, substantially less than half of our country’s average economic growth for 210 years.
For the first time in American history, more businesses are being destroyed each day than are being created.
More Americans now receive entitlements than work full-time.
Thirteen of the twenty-three Obamacare State Co-Op Exchanges have failed (gone bust and broke). The remaining ten have losses of over $200 million per year.
In this Obama economy, 40 percent of American workers now earn less (adjusted for inflation) than a full-time minimum wage worker in 1968.
Twenty percent of US families don’t have a single member who is employed.
A record numbers of Americans are not in the workforce (over 94 million).
More young Americans now live with their parents than at any time since Great Depression.
Forty-three percent of the twenty-two million student loan borrowers aren’t making any loan payments.
Two-thirds of Americans don’t have $500 for an emergency bill.
Food stamp use under Obama is up by 43 percent.
The number of new food stamp recipients under Obama is three times higher than new job recipients (13,298,000 added to food stamp rolls versus 4,276,000 new jobs since January 2009).
But here’s the truly amazing thing.
Hillary Clinton openly brags she is running for Obama’s third term.
She wants to extend and expand his presidency. She wants to support and protect his legacy. She wants us to vote for more of the same. Amazing.
I guess that makes her.
As I’ve said repeatedly, nothing I’m writing is a condemnation of any racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual orientation group. This book is merely an act of self-defense. There is no question what is happening. There is no question the target is the predominantly white middle class.
But the perpetrators aren’t black or minority. As a matter of fact, most of them are guilt-ridden white liberals like Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden.
To succeed in their goal of destroying the middle class and the American Dream they can’t allow the middle class to understand what is really happening to them. They can’t allow the middle class to understand there is an actual plan and they are the target. So this is where the lies, slander, and cover-up begin.

Rachel Maddow, Angry White Liberal.
Wow, this book just keeps writing itself!
I had barely finished writing the Introduction about my Bill Maher experience when out of the blue comes a six-minute diatribe about me from Rachel Maddow to open her MSNBC show. Instantly, I thought, “There’s another chapter.”
Ms. Maddow is the polar opposite of me. She is the reason I’m writing this book. She is the classic “Angry White Liberal.” She hates me and people like me with such passion, it’s frightening. How do I know? Just watch her talk about me on her TV show. This was the third time in two years Rachel has led off her show with a diatribe about me.
Keep in mind Rachel’s television time is valuable “real estate.” A minute on national TV is valuable like beachfront property. No one wastes five to ten minutes talking about someone or something to start their national TV show unless it’s damn important. I must be damn important to Rachel, or damn effective, or damn annoying, or all of the above. I’ve clearly got the attention of liberal icons like Maddow. What I’m doing and saying is resonating loud and clear, and they are scared stiff. The left has aimed its cannons at me for a reason: what I’m doing and saying is clearly working!
So effective conservatives like me must be slandered and discredited. This strategy is right out of the playbook of Marxist legend Saul Alinsky. As I’ll detail later, Obama studied Alinsky. So did Hillary. I’m sure Rachel Maddow learned from him, too.
When Rachel talks about me, she quivers. She looks like a volcano about to explode. She taps her pen with nervous energy and is clearly obsessed. I take it as a gigantic compliment. Thank you, Rachel. It’s quite an honor when radical liberals like you clearly see me as one of the most hated conservatives in America. It’s an honor to know you obsess about me all the time. It’s an honor to know you get a “shiver running down your leg” when thinking about me. No TV host in the world opens three shows with five- to ten-minute diatribes about Wayne Allyn Root unless I’m a threat to your plan, to your philosophy, to everything you believe in.
Liberals must divide and slander to conquer. That’s the Saul Alinsky way. The issue they use to divide and slander is always money. Conservatives, as I pointed out in the last chapter, understand money; they want to earn it and enjoy it. We don’t see money as a sin. We don’t see success as a slur or embarrassment.
Liberals have a very different relationship with money. They don’t understand it or how it is made. They think money grows on trees. Or comes from government. They have a distaste for anyone who makes it.
That’s why instead of appreciating a successful businessman like me and calling me CEO, or entrepreneur, or small businessman, or author, or international business speaker (which all describe what I do), Maddow called me “a get-rich-quick guy.” This is how angry white liberals see and portray anyone who is successful in business. They sneer at us. They smear us. They denigrate us. They slander us. They look down on us. We are just like money to them: dirty.
Many Democrats have no clue the economy is in terrible decline, crisis, and near-collapse. To quote Ronald Reagan, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant [in this case about money and the economy]. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
After reading the last chapter, you now understand what Obama’s liberal anti-business policies have done to America, the economy, and the formerly great American middle class. They haven’t lifted anyone out of poverty. Just the opposite, these policies have added three times more Americans to the food stamp rolls than the job rolls.
We’ve been decimated, annihilated, targeted for extinction, and it’s working. This is a theme I’ve been harping on for eight long years of the Obama presidency. Every prediction and warning I’ve released has come true. My predictions have been uncannily accurate. Each economic fact makes me look smarter. Liberals like Maddow have no choice; they can’t point to the results so they’re only weapon is to distract the masses from the truth. They’ve got to discredit anyone telling the truth about the economy. They must smear, denigrate, and slander truth tellers like me.
As if on cue, the morning after Rachel Maddow’s rant against me, the disastrous job report I reported on in the last chapter came out.
It was suddenly clear that the emperor (Obama) had no clothes, and no leg to stand on. The results are right in front of everyone’s eyes: decline, crisis, and economic free fall.
That’s why angry liberals like Rachel Maddow need to distract you. I have spent eight long years talking about the economy and middle-class jobs. Ninety-nine percent of my commentaries and 99 percent of my TV and radio appearances are about the economy and how close we are to disaster and collapse because of liberal policies designed to purposely destroy capitalism and American exceptionalism. Their goal is to destroy America’s middle class and make them dependent on government. And, sadly, I’ve been proven correct for eight long years as the decline deepens and accelerates.
Let me state it again. As sorry as I am to say it: I was right.
Of course, angry white liberals have to close their eyes to the facts or everything they believe in will be discredited. So Maddow and her liberal cohorts must distract you. Hence, when it comes to me, she ignores the many books and hundreds of editorials I’ve written about the economy and my economic predictions, and instead focuses on one story I wrote about my days at Columbia University with my college classmate, Obama. Then she uses that one story out of hundreds to falsely label me as a “conspiracy theorist.”
Interesting phrase. In this case, it’s simply a mean-spirited, distorted way to say that I don’t drink the Obama Kool-Aid. I ask questions, I investigate, I search for the truth. To liberals, anyone who asks questions, seeks truth, or questions motives for what a politician does is a “conspiracy theorist.” Worse, since the president happens to be black, I’m also labeled a “racist.”
To compound matters, Maddow even distorted what I said. What is true is that as a Class of ’83 Columbia graduate (the same as Obama) I’ve been asked by the media if I knew Obama at Columbia. I’ve always answered honestly that I didn’t know him, never saw him, never heard of him, never met a single classmate who ever saw him or knew him. I simply told the truth. What I never said, ever, is that he didn’t go there. Never. But she reported on her national TV show that I am a “conspiracy theorist” who says Obama never went to Columbia.
What I am is a commonsense citizen and taxpayer asking questions about the most powerful man in the world. Questions the mainstream media, led by guilt-ridden white liberals like Rachel Maddow, have never asked of a black president for fear of being called a “racist.”
Unless you’re blind, deaf, or really dumb, it’s clear that Obama’s story at Columbia smells rotten. There’s something wrong with the narrative. The words to describe Obama’s time at Columbia are suspicious, mysterious, strange, weird, and just plain rotten. And to top it off, his college records have been sealed for all eight years of his presidency.
So when asked about my classmate, I answered honestly. Then I asked questions anyone with a brain would ask about the man whose finger rests on the nuclear button. Questions like.
Why did I never see or hear of Barack Obama at Columbia, even though I knew virtually every other political science major?
How come I’ve asked so many of my fellow classmates and none of them admits ever knowing him or even seeing him at Columbia?
How come Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most honored professor in Columbia history, and Columbia’s “Presidential Historian,” says no one named Barack Obama ever took one of his classes?
How did Obama get into Columbia with poor grades from a very average college (Occidental)? Students like that are never accepted for transfer into Columbia.
Why are his college records sealed? What is he hiding?
When I was asked by the media what I thought Obama was hiding, I again answered honestly. I said to the media, “My educated guess is he got into Columbia by committing fraud: by posing as a foreign exchange student from Indonesia (where Obama was raised as a boy). Columbia loves diversity. That lie would have catapulted Obama to the front of the line. Now he’s embarrassed to admit he committed fraud by being an American posing as a foreigner. Just an educated guess. But a damn good one. Even several of my liberal pro-Obama Columbia classmates have told me they suspect I’ve hit the nail on the head.
I think asking questions of a president is the duty not only of journalists but of all citizens. That is especially true when the media, filled with biased, corrupted, angry white liberals like Rachel Maddow, have abdicated that duty.
Funny how angry white liberals spew hatred, sling names, and ask questions all the time. But no one calls them “conspiracy theorists.” Doesn’t Obama calling conservatives like me racists, hatemongers, radicals, or extremists make him a “conspiracy theorist”?
If Hillary blames her never-ending criminal problems on a “vast right wing conspiracy,” doesn’t that make her a “conspiracy theorist”? Even Wikipedia defines the phrase “vast wing conspiracy” as a conspiracy theory created by Hillary Clinton.
When Hillary likens Trump to nuclear war, Hitler, and the Holocaust, doesn’t that make her a “conspiracy theorist”?
If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he “heard” Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for ten years, he’s not called a “birther” or “taxer” or labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” Even after everything Reid said was proven a lie and he admitted he made it up just to win the election for Obama, the media never labeled or called him a nasty name.
The angry white liberals of the world like Rachel Maddow control the media, so they get to lie, slander, libel, ask questions, and assign the name “conspiracy theorist” without ever being labeled or maligned themselves.
They do it to distract the masses from the truth. And that truth is that Obama really is a bad guy who is purposely overwhelming the system and bringing down the economy with the goal of “fundamentally changing America.” Those were his words. Either that or he’s a stupid, clueless, ignorant idiot who is trying to help the economy, but failing every step of the way. I believe he’s a very bright man who knows exactly what he’s doing.
I’m no “conspiracy theorist” for asking important questions and pointing out the truth. Or for merely wondering why Obama won’t release his college records. Prove me wrong, Mister Obama. Make me look foolish. Rachel, beg Obama to do it. Tell your hero he can destroy me with one simple step. It’s so easy. I challenge you Mister President: release your college records.
But he won’t. Because he can’t. Because the emperor has no clothes.
Obama has a deep, dark secret that could destroy his legacy buried in those college records. That’s my guess. No different than Harry Reid’s guess about Mitt Romney’s taxes. The only difference is Romney proved Reid a fool and a liar. Obama has never unsealed his college records.
And he never will.
But angry white liberals like Rachel will never admit the truth. They want to outlaw the truth. They would ban free speech and free thought if they could.
Since they can’t, they slander and libel people like me to destroy their political opposition. And even worse, they do it to distract the American people from the truth, that the disastrous liberal, anti-business policies of Obama, Hillary, and their liberal cronies have destroyed the economy.
Angry white males like me want to expose the truth. Angry white liberals like Rachel Maddow are scared to death of the truth. Like Jack Nicholson said in the movie A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth.”


The Roots of This Disaster.

Obama and I at Columbia.

The decline of America, the economy, and the predominantly white middle class under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence at the hands of a “community organizer.” It’s a purposeful, brilliant plan hatched at Columbia University to destroy capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values, and the American Dream. At its root, this plan is about destroying the predominantly white middle class and small business owners. Because as a great bank robber once said, “That’s where the money is.”

I am Obama’s classmate, Class of ’83, Columbia University. Columbia was and is a radical leftist Ivy League college at the corner of Marx Street and Lenin Avenue. The professors taught us many things, some good, many bad. But the worst thing we learned at Columbia was a hatred for America. We were taught to be guilty for “white privilege”, to be guilty for the racism and discrimination of America, to be guilty for poverty caused by white people and our greed, to be guilty for how women, blacks, minorities, and gays were held down in America. It was all “the white man’s fault.”

We were also taught a plan to change it all, or as Obama says today, “to fundamentally change America.” The plan was called Cloward-Piven. It was named after a Columbia husband-and-wife professor team. The plan was brilliant in its simplicity. The plan was to “overwhelm the system” so that the US economy would collapse. This was how we could kill capitalism once and for all. Then we could start over.
How do you do that? By putting as many Americans as possible “on the dole.” Crush the middle class, make them dependent on government, get everyone you can on welfare and food stamps, and then crush the budget with spending, entitlements, and debt. The country and economy eventually collapse under the weight of everyone getting checks from the government. You’ve “overwhelmed the system.”
Now that the economy is dead, and the people are poor and starving and desperate to feed their families, there is complete panic. Now you’ve got them. They’ll buy any promise at this point. They just want hope. They just want to save their children. So now you offer them a new start with socialism (to replace the old capitalist system). Of course, you blame capitalism for all their problems. You’re offering something new and fresh. You’re offering a second chance. You’re offering to pay for everything in return for total government control. “You’ll never have to worry again. We’ll take care of you.” And, of course, you’re also offering lots of “free stuff” to a starving populace. How could they say no?
Any of this sound familiar? To one degree or another, this is exactly what’s been happening to America under the last eight years of Obama.
Obama is a smart man. He added a couple of new wrinkles. He super-charged the system. How could you overwhelm the system even faster? First, you pass Obamacare. That is the world’s biggest tax increase and redistribution plan. You pile the spending and debt up even faster to overwhelm the system, all under the guise of helping the sick. Brilliant.
The second new wrinkle is to purposely leave the border open for eight years. You dismantle any and all border enforcement. You order border agents to “stand down.” You create a twenty-four-hour hotline for illegal aliens to call to complain about poor treatment by border agents. You spend millions of dollars of taxpayer money to provide free lawyers and free legal representation to every illegal child. You shield almost every illegal alien criminal from deportation, and you spend millions of taxpayer dollars to advertise in Mexico that even illegal aliens qualify for food stamps in America, so tell your friends and relatives in America to ask. “Spread the word.”
This has all really happened under Obama. It’s hard to even believe.
So Obama came up with a more powerful partner to Cloward-Piven. He allowed in millions of foreigners, both legal and illegal, to overwhelm the system much faster. You might say he wanted to “explode the system.”
But Columbia University wasn’t unique. This philosophy was taught at many Ivy League and elite universities by radical leftist professors with contempt for America and “those rich white people who control the system.” The brightest students at the elite colleges all learned how to “fundamentally change America.” They learned how to channel Fidel Castro.
Remember when Rudy Giuliani said he thought “Obama doesn’t love America,” and it set off a media firestorm? The media literally wanted to tar and feather poor Rudy. But who are these members of the media? I met many of them at Columbia. Many, if not most, of my classmates wound up in the mainstream media. That explains everything.
The same biased-leftist media members who ripped Rudy Giuliani to shreds for stating the obvious were the same students thirty years earlier in class at Columbia with me on the day Ronald Reagan was shot. Guess what their reaction was back then? They cheered the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. They clapped, high-fived, and hugged, celebrated like it was New Year’s. Today, when I read about my former classmates in our Columbia college alumni magazine, they are almost all either in the media or lawyers in the Obama administration creating regulations on business. This explains everything.
Today, they no doubt support students at California state university system campuses who voted to remove the American flag. Nothing has changed. Once a radical America hater, always a radical America hater.
Naturally, that same biased-leftist media (mostly made up of my Columbia classmates and those from other Ivy League schools) decided to play “gotcha” with the 2016 Republican presidential candidates. They asked them, “Do you agree that Obama doesn’t love America?” As usual, GOP candidates panicked and ran away from Giuliani’s statement, which is precisely why Donald Trump became the GOP Presidential nominee. We were waiting for a candidate who would not run for cover when the media attacked, who played on offense, who would hit back, HARD. Trump fit the bill.

But the point here is that I know my Columbia classmates like the back of my hand. I understand what makes them tick. Thirty-plus years ago, they were at least honest in their beliefs. They called themselves communists, Marxists, socialists, and even Bolsheviks. They liked being called “radical.” They bragged that they hated America and wanted to bring the system down.

And here’s the really

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